Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[322:1 'eftimonies of Sacred Scripture known to commit who being placed in the p.weY of i'ajtaral CarEs get the jaixy of the Paftor. l Office and Miniftry, from the milk and fleece of the f eep o f Chrift, who are to be made alive and laved, bu . aamini- (ter not their du:5. For the very not adra i4ring of the Paftoral 117uiniffteries, is, by the`ScriprureTé- ffimony, the lllin and dyjtroying of the Sheep. And that thefe two forts el- fns (thoagh with dill parity) are tlie - worf't, and ineft mably fuperexceed- ing every ether fort of fin, is manifeft by this, in that they are (though with difparity and dijJîmili- trede)" diet-t"ly contrary to the two faid exiftent things that are heft : For that is the worfl thing that is contrary to the beft : And as much as lieth in the Paid 'inners. One of theft; fns is the deltruetian,of the very Deity, which is fupereffen- tially, and fupernaturally Deft ; the other is the de- ftrcyang of ,the Deiformity and Deification, which is Belt Effent:4'y and Naturally by thegracious par- ticipations cf the beams ofthe Deity. And becaufe, as in gccd things, the Caefe of good is better than its Efleei ; . fo alfo in evils, the Cagle of evil is worfe than its Effebt. And it is manifeft that the Introducers ofDuch molt evil Murderers of this 'Deifo rnity and ,fie f cation in the Sheep of Chrift, in the Church c f God, are wale than thefe moft evil Murderers themf lve r, and neereft to Lu- cifer and Antichri ft ; and to this pejority they are gradualdi the won`t. by how much .they fnperexcel, fwtio were more obliged to exclude and extirpate de(troyers from the Church of God, by thegrea- ter and diviner power, given them by God for Edi- fication, and not f ir Dt (hub ion. It cannot be therefore that a moil holy rpofiolukSeat (to which by