[323] by our moft holy Lord refus Chrift, all power i given, as the 4poftle witnejJ'eth, for Edzfcation, and not for DeftruEtion) fhould ever command, did, or any way endeavour any fuch thing, or any, thing verg- ing towards fuch a fin, fo odious, Betefiable and abo- minable to oiar Lord iefusChrift, and fo utterly per- nieious to mank>nd. For this were either 'a de- fcdion, or a corruption, or anabufe àf his evidently moft holy and full power, or an utter etc atiòn froc the Throne of the Glory of Our Lord ?efus Chrift, and the neare ft co. ffe f on in the Chair' of Pestilence, to the two foretold Princes of dark , and of the pains of Hell. No one that in immaculàte and fincere obedience is fubj,.'ft and faithful to the fare Seat, and not by Schifn* cut off fror the .Body of Chrift, and thefame holy seat, can obe? (filch) Man- dates or Precepts , or any endeavours whatever, whencefoever they flow, though it were from thé Su- pream Order of Angels*, but matt neceffarily with his wale power *;_ A.nglor.una, for its a various contradiff them and rebel Where- Ledion. fore, ReverendLords, from theduty of obedience and fidelity, which I owe to the Parent of the holy Apoihiical Seat, and out of the Love of Vnion in the Body of Chrift with it, I do alone (unite) filially and obediently difobey, contradc`l and rebel againft the things contained in the forefaid Letter, and efpecially as is before touched, they nooFf evidently verge towards thefin which is molt abom:- nable to our Lord Was Chrift, and Mo(t pernicious to mankind, and are altogether adverfe to the fan- Fifty of the Apoftolical Seat, and are contrary to the Catholick. Faith. Nor mayyour dfcretJon there- fore determine any thing hard againft me, becauf all m cantradit?ion and aFtion in this Coale is not in- deed