[3141 deed contraditlion or rebellion, but afilial honouring of Gods command due to a Father,`ind ofyou. Brief- ly recollelting all; I fay, 'that the hvlinefs of the .21- pofielick Seat can do (or hath power, to do) nothing but that which tendeth to edification, and not to deftr.uEtion 4: For this is°the pleni- But aPapift tude of ` power, to have power to do will fay, who be judge? all to Edification. But thefe that lhall As if all men they call [ Brovifions ] are not for here not tobe Edification, but for neoft manif zfb difcerning Deftrution. Therefore the Apoftolick, fudges of Seat cannot accept them , becaufe truth duty. -d blood, which(hall not poffefr fl. fh a;w the Kingdom of God, bath revealed them, and not the Father of our Lord ?elm Chriif, who is in Heaven. III. Fifhop Sanderfon in his Oxford Pralettions de Juramento,faith, as followeth, (The Reader is defined to fee his whole words, that he fay not they aremangled, or any thing omitted which he would have hadput in ; and to confider how far the cafe of Oats, and Covenants, Promifes or Profefons is the fame.) 11A.0 3o, 3 i. a. Simplicity above all things - befeerneth an Oath : That is, The nature and obligation of an Oath is fuch, that whoever fhaii bind himfèlf by fo fàcred a bond todo any ihing, he may be altogether held by the Religion tof an Oath, and ferioufly from his heart intend, and as much as in him lyeth, diligently endeavour faithfully to do ah that which be bath promifed to