[3171 whereof fotneeffuge or lurking-holemay not be devifed, whereby it may be freed from being a lie. In the mean time, what perverfenets is it that That fhould by dïfborieft men be turned into an inftrument of deceiving, which was inftituted by the moft wife God to be a help to credit (or mens belief of One another?) Verily, unlefs one will rather Cafe God's facred infitution to another purpofe,than that to which it was inftituted(which a godly man will not eatily do) that which is the end of an Oath, the fame ought to be the end of the (wearer: find that is, fb to make the hearer to believe, that he may become more certain and fecure of the Truth of that which before was doubtful. But he that differnbkth, ft,adieth to breed a falfè belief in the hearers, and fsb doth not only fuffer another to be deceived (which yet is contrary to Charity when he .may and ought to hinder it;) but afro intendeth to deceive ; which is not only againft all lattice and Honefty, but it is alto conjoyned with the greatelt wrong to God, and contempt of his name. And verily to me (carte any other fort of Perjury doth more diametrically feem to be againft either the (cope of the third Commandment, or the very words (ofnot taking the name ofGod in vain) than that which arieth from this dffirnulation'. For as the word Vanity doth properly and adequately com- prehend all that which is any way falfe ; fo in a certain peculiar. fort, and molt properly, that which is fo falle as Suet to bear a Phew of Truth. (See the reft The fecönd;.which.pertaineth to the interpreta- tion ofan.Oath, is this, The Obiaption of 44 Oath ï o, ffiiri5i rid!Jr---That is of fo juit an interpreta- y 4 Lion