Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

Sect. 3II. By this it foltow_eth, that i. t, (Ace of a fubjea Presbyter that was no Bifhz was not in being ( that can be proved ) in Scripture-times. z. That no Bilhop had more than one worthiping affembly at once : For all Chriifians afíembled for worfhip on the Lords dayes, and their worfhip; included fomewhat whichnone but a IYlinifter ofChrift might do, and wii.en there was no ,ogler Minifter in being but Bifh,aps, and a Bifhop can be but in one place at once, a Bifhop çanld have but one afiembly. Though for our parts we think that we have jug reafon to believe, ..that Churches then , had more Miniffers than once, when we read how Poi/ was put to reftrain anal regulate their publick officiating Corinth. Car. 14. Seat. XIII. And it further çonfirmeth us, that the faid DoCtor tells us, that for ought he knoweth, the:n.10 of the Church then were of his mind : And ,Francifcru áfan.4 clar4 de EpiP-, cop. tells us, that this opinion came from Sco- t A,nd Pet4?ito, that Learned Jefuit, was the man that brought it in, in our times, viz,. That the Apoftles placed only B/hops with Deacons ira the Churches, and that it is only thefe Bfhops th t $tre called Pres6jters in .Scripture.' So that the Matter of fact, for the whole Scripture - times is granted us by all there learned men, Sea. XIV. Ik being the Divine Infiitution. of the Oi ce of this fécond Order of Presbyters, which we are unfatisfied about; and thefe Reve- rend men confefhng'that de facto they were not in being (as can be proved by any evidence) in Scripture times, and thole rimes extending to about