Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[33o. offered on filch a condition path Come latent ill deceit, and theretOre is to be refuted by a pious and prudent m:rn; to any fee -ne h to be ¿ifallow- ed for three cxufès : i. [1 repet to the Oath it F. . in whic:? zits i firft required : But afpeech. of indenite and amnb4uous retire before diftirrfìion m ide, is no true propofition ; yea, no propofition at all ; when a propolic inn, as Boys know, Ihould lignifie truth or falihood without ambiguity. 2. to refpeft of him to whom we fwear: For the proper-end of an O áth is, that he to whom it is made have forte certainty of a thing before un- certain. 3, In refpe'`t to the fvearer himCelf, who ifhe take an Oath. in loch condition,prepareth either a (candal for his neighbour, or a (hare for himCelf. For loch collation cannot be imagined to look any other way, than either to draw others by our example ro take the fame Oath (though wit s relua. nt confcience) which is to fcandalize our nerd;°aoar : or that fotnewhar_ elle be after re quired of us to be done by viz-rue of, that Oath, which is either unlawful, or incommodious; which is to lay a fn.are for our (elves. Let a wife man thereíore take heed'that he ruff:r not hinfelf to be imj)ofed bv there Arts; or left fo much valtre the tav:Par or fear of any other man, as to Çavatlo °w the bait when he knoweth that the hook is under ir: rily, rh?t all may be ri fitly done when von fvt:ar,,it is e)(oedieut that alt- parties be . clearly a grz7 d the fen è of the words that are inrereffe in the matter ; which by the Antients was called EL! do jw- zr Sots tvLikLt'r'i 1 qm6, f, atus d!c're p0i? s. And in the o1.1 form, he that irn)ofed the Oath was wont to fay the l';vearer [ de re peto li üdo