Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[3351 God gave, them for edification, and not for dew ffruion. P. 243. Concl. 5. An offered Oath is not to be taken with a reluftant or doúbting confcience . Becaufe what is not of faith is fin. 2. Becaufe we muff fwear in judgment, which he doth not that fweareth againft his confciences judgment. 3. Becaufe this is done for fume temporal com- modity, or to avoid fogne lof , or obtain fonìe gain, or to get force mans favour, or fuch like : But how unworthy of a Chrittian is it, to fet God behind the World, Heaven behind Earth, the Soul behind the Body, eternal joy behind temporal gain, the hope of the life to come behind prefènt eafe, inward peace behind outward ! 4 Becaufe he that fo fwearethevidently expofeth hmfelf to the danger of Perjury ( a molt heinous fin.) For he that for hope or fear of any temporal commodity or difcommodity can be induced to twear that which he ought not, it is farce credible but he may by the like hope or fear be drawn from doing what he (wore. And PER J URY was by the very heathens accountedone c;f thcie molt heinous fins, which they believed would bring the wrath of the Gods not only on the guilt, but on their pofterity, vea on whole nations, much more is it to be feared of us, who worfhip that one true God, who bath folcmnly profeffedd that he will not hold him gtiiltlefs that to :eth his name in vain. Left, while which way ever we lock we fee filch a great and luxuriant crop of Oaths and Pe,-jury even already white to the Hatvet , God the moft righteous judge ff:culd quickly put in the f.ckie, utterly to cut down fo perfidious and profane a ration. We have long felt that of r molt merciful Father