Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[3 3 6] Father is angry, and that the infinite patience of God is turned into fury, being infinitely wronged, and ( if I may fo fay ) overcome. it is not eafy to fay, for which fins this chiefly is, when all fins are very great: But verily he that will ferioufly think, fince God hath begun to fcourge us by a neerer rod, how we have not grieved for there grievous fins of fwearing and perjury, yea how greatly on one fide is increafed, the unbridled and unpunifhed licence of fwearing and blafpheming, and on the other fide the foul hypocrifie of for- fwearing on pretence of religion ; it can fcarce be,, but that of yeremy will come into his mind , Becatife of Oaths the land mourneth. There things being to neer, Fathersand Brethren, we that are here and all others that with well to thepublick peace ofthe Kingdom and Church%and the private peace of their own hearts and confciences, muff be intreated that they firft carefully bewareof the name of God, and the crime ofviolated fidelity, and wholly avoid unneceffary Oaths,and constantly refufe thofe that areunduely impofed (or offered ) by others ; and fulfill thofe faithfully that are duly and rightly taken by our felves ; and then that as much as we are able, we ftrenuoußy retrain the liberty of finning in others ; and that we pray to our molt Good and Great God continually that,bec ing taught by his fcourge, and admonifhed, and humbled under his mighty hand, we fly to his mercy, acknowledge his juftice, implore hisgrace, for thepardon of our fins, the amendment of our lives, and the fitfety of our fouls, by and for the merits of our Lord Jefus C.hrift To whom with the Father, and the Spirit, the Three one-Omni- potent G od be Kingdom, Power, and Glory for ever. Amen. Its