Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

X337' It's like Dr. Sanderfon 'had Tome fpecial eye to the Scots Covenant `; but doubtlefs he made not any new or fingular Doctrine for that end, which Will not hold true in all cafes by himdefcribed. Mr. Ruch. Hollingwortb in a late Plea for the Church of .England, vehemently urging the execu- tion of the Laws agdinf Nonconformists, faith Page 71. [i. Thereby (by Perjury) the confcience of the Minifter is debauched, and he thereby made ve- ry unfit to give thofe an1truttions, andwholfon counfel to the people that otherwtfe he might do : For all wilful fins, efpecially fuch a Notorious one as Perjury, hardens a mans mind, and diveffs him, till repented of, of all the neceffary and ufefial influences and as fiances ofGods good fpirit, and maketh him carelefr, as of his own, fo ofthe fouls ofothers : And a man fo eafily enfnared by fuch a fin, is eafily induced by any temptation to a neglea, of thofe duties which his Office calls for, and a remit e performance of thofe Or- dinances which were defìgned and commanded onpur- pofe to reform and inf&uft the people. And page 73. [?hey waft be accountable Ott the lift day, not only for their ownfin, but for that very fin of Perjury, which the vicious Przeft is guilty of: For he that inviteth a man to afin, is reckoned as if he had committed thefin himfelf.] What then would become of me, if I undertook to juítifie the Perjury of multitudes ?---yea, if alp fo I did by Preis and Preaching, earnestly prefs Magiftrates to execute the Laws upon many hun- dreds of Christs Ministers, becaufe they dare not venture on that which they fear (on fuch reafons as are here rcndred) to be a participation ofmany thou.