Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[3391 [ While I long wondered that I could not fee what fatisfied both all the Learned Convocation, and the Parliament, for the truth of the Rule in the Liturgy to find out L'.aer day for ever, which is contrary to our Almanacks, and we mutt all be filenced (and ruined for Preaching) t nleA we pro- fefs that we 4Tnt to it, I met _ ith no Confor- mift that gave me any other fàzìsfaetion, than to refer me to Dr. Pell- Book : And meeting him happily, I craved his information; and the grave, learned, honeit Doctor was fo far from making nee a Conforinift, :that he profef ed the pfage now is indefenfible.] I was lately affaulted with this, as the firongeft Argument for Conformity [Deliberate lying is no fin, but a duty when it Both no harm but a neceffary good; Ai by a Phyfician to fave his patient,or tofave a mans life much more toPave fouls by preaching. Anf. This cafe requireth a longer anfwer than I have here room for : Briefly. i.God heft knoweth who is wifeitt and meeteft to Govern the world, for the good of all ; and he forbids it. 2. This principle believed would make all men untrufiy to each other, while every man would think he had reafon to lie, when his intereft required it; and untruftinefs overthroweth all humane polities, focieties and converte, and fo would do a thoufand fold more harm to Kings, Sub3efts and all, than the laving of a mans life would compenfate. 3. Its hypocrifie to fn ni' fell that I may preach againft fin in others, 4. The Church of God is againft this doarine,& farhers;And the heft cafnifts have copioufly confuted it, though Come Jel ires are more lax, and ufe to ferve their intereft by ir. 5.At