[340 5. At leaPr,methinks that where yefsltes lying is cry- ed down, men thould not judge my fearing a lie, a crime that rendreth me intolerable in the Miniftry, and my preaching without it to deferve aGaol and utter ruine ; and the fame to neer 2000 othérs;the filencing of whomwill one day proveno indifferent thing: And they that think it harmlefs publickly,' Minifterially upon deliberation to profefs a -fall: hood, may Ihortly think it a duty to (wear it : But Ibelieve that God will not hold that perfon, Church or Kingdom guilders, which taketh his name in vain : fee Dr. Hammonds Catechifm on the 3. Commandment. IN1S.