[iS] Patriarchal : Such Bithops we do not oppofe. Seal. XVIII. We find proof than ordinarily Churches were firit planted in Cities (there be- ing not then in the Villages Chriftians enough to make Churches : ) But we find no proof that when there are Chriftians enough to conftitute Churches, they may not be planted in Villages alto : Nor yet that there may not be more Churches than one in the fame City : For fo Grotius faith, There were even then when Chri- ftians were comparatively but few, and that they were as the Jewifh Synagogues in this re- fpec`t. And Dr. Hamond largely afferteth that Peter had a Church of ?en's, and Paul another of Gentiles at Rume, and that fo it was in other Cities. S_eEi. XIX. Much lefs is it by Divine Inflitu- tion, that Bithops, and their Churches or Seats, be only in fuch as we now call Cities, which by their priviledges are diftinct from other great Towns and Corporations , whenas the word rt ;ì.:s then fignified a great Town or Corporation, filch as our Market-Towns and..' Corporations noware. SCEI. XX. But it is the Law of God that all things about Churches and Church-affairs which lie , bath left to humane prudence, fhould be done according to fuch general Rules as he hath prefcribed for their regulation. SECT,