r 271 honoured their fidelity herein : The cafe of A- thanafi,,u., Tafel, ,Meletiu, and abundance more, 'evince The later : And for the former, we will now inflance but in the cafe of the Bifhops of Africa, whole tongues were cut out by the King's command ; and they fpake freely by mi- racle after they were cut out; as is teftified by Aeneas Gaz.eu , and by Vi5%or Vticenfs, who faw and fpake with, and heard the perfbns when this miracle was wrought upon them ; and by Procopim. XXIV. It will be obje5ed that Con f an- tiu-c, fienferictu, HKnnericui, &c were Arrians, and the later conquering Ufurpers. Even Heathen Emperours and Kings are our Governours, though they want due ap- titude to their duty (as alto do many wicked Chriftian- Princes :) And we owe them obedi- ence when their Laws or Mandates are not a- gainft the Laws of God. We muff not fay as Bellartnine, that Chritiansfhould not tolerate ftích P irces, and that the ancient Chrifi ians fuffred for want ofTower to refìfg. 2. Let the Empe- rours called Arrians be made no worfe than they were : Some were for Concord and Toleration of both Parties, and fo are more fupeeted than proved to be Arrians And Arrians themfelve., (though unexcufably erroneous) were not like the Socinians, that utterly deny Chrift's Deity : They fuhfcribc°d to all the 1Vicène Creed Pave the the word [äu° ' c] They would fay that Chrilt was [Light of Light, very God of very God, b, got- ten not made,&c.]They thought that as the Sun- beams or .Lzgit are its immediate emanation, but not its fubftance (as commonly Phìlorophers,. _fay