[ Z8 fay they are not, how true we fay not) fo Chrift was an immediate emanation from the Father, before and above Angels, by whom all things elfe were made. And how dangeroufy 7afin, and moft of the ancientefl Donors before the N:c °ne Council (peak hereabout, and how cer- tasnly Eifebií and other great Bifhops were Arrians; and how lamentably the Council at A- riminun endeavoured an uniting Reconciliation by laying by the word [Cofsoios] And even old Oflus by their cruelty yielded to them ; as Li- beriw fubferibed to them, we need not fend any men to Philoftorgius nor Sandiass for proof; it being fo largely proved, by D. Petavius de 7'initate, who fully citeth their dangerous words. And if the heterodoxie.t of the Prince (hall be made the reafon of the SubjeUs difo6eyinn him, in a matter lawful in it felf (as fome that we (peak to now fuppofe) we ¡hall hardly know where to flop, nor what bounds to fet the Sub- jec`s when they are made Judges of the Princes Errours ; and what examination or cognifance of it, they mull have. . Conftantine that banifhed Athanafitu (who kept in while he could again¡} the Emperours will) is not proved an Arrian Nor Valentinian, who commanded Ambrofe, (not ro ceafePreach- ing hinnfel f nor to forfake his Church, nor to fiibfcribe to Arrianifm,but only) to tolerate the Arrians to meet in one Bare Church, which was in Milian, as an act ofmoderation : But Am- broil refo%rely difobeyed the Emperour (we uftifie not the manner) becaufe he thought that God's Law made it his office as Pifhop, fo to do. 4. And