C301 (word or force, for fuch crimes as deferve that punifhment. And a King of Eng-land may de- pole, or put to death a rraiterous Bifhop, Prieft or Deacon, as lawfully as Solomon depofed athar, XXVIII. And as we have there faid, we fuppofe that there arefome circumfiances of the Minifters work, which it belongeth to his own office to determine of and are a true part ofhis Aliniftcrial works : But there are others, which it is meet fhould be univerfally determi- ned of, for tilt Concord ofall the Churches in 4 Kingdom. Thefe the Paftors and Churches by coif rat may agree in without a Law, it Kings leave it to them:AndKings(by the advife of Inch as belt underftand Church Cafes) may well by their own Laws make Itch determinations. As fòr inftance in what Scrrp"ylre 7;anflations, what Verfors and Iifetres of Halms, the Churches (hall agree. Much more may they determine of the Publ;cie , 'I iintenance of Minifters, and the cmpic-s and Eiach other extrinfìck accidents. XXIX. Princes and Rulers may forbid Atheifts, Infidels , Hereticks and Malignant oppofers of necef3Fary truth and godlynefs, and all that preach rebellion and (edition, that pro- pagate filch wicked Dottrine, and may puniíh them if they do ir. And may hinder the incorri- gible, and all that provedly or notorioufly are filch whole Preaching will do more hurt to men tha4 good, from exercifing the Miniftry or Preaching in their jurifdic`Uon or Dominions : For filch have not any power fromChrift fo to Preach, but ferve the Enemy ofChrift and man. Se