f [4.I1 and foreknown, not forced on us to coufent to or practice, is fufficient caule to make Communion with the Church unlawful, is to hold a principle which would infer feparation from all the known Churches in this world. XI. 9. To draw others to fuch feparationby fuch falleaccufations or opinions, is worfe than to do it fluently ones felf; and the more the worfe. XII. io. The more fuch accufations ftrikeat the heart of Chriftian Love, which is the life of holy Societies, and of Holinefe it kW; and the more they draw men from Piety, and to hate, lmnd abaft, and wrong each other, the greater is the fin. XIII. z 1. When men erroncoufly and cauílefly gather feparated Members from true Churches inhere they fhould continue, into Antichurches, or Societies, where their bufinefs is to make others unjuftly odious that differ from them ; this is to gather Schifmatical Societies : And if they pre- tend themfelves wifer than the Generality of the true Orthodox Churches in the world, and fo fe-- parate from them, they were for this .called Ijereticks at fish : But if it be but upon a quar rel with forne particular neighbour Church or Pa- flor it was called a Schifm. XIV. 12. If any proud, or patonate,or errone- ous perfon do,as Diotrephes,caft out the brethren undelèrvedly, by unjuf fufpenfons,falencings, or excommunications, it is tyrannical Schifm, what better name foever cloak it XV, 13. If any Ihould make l'nful terms of Communion, by Laws, or Mandates, impofing things forbidden by God, on thofe that will have Ce n-