Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

2 Communion with them,andexpelling thole that will not fo fin, this were heinous Schifm : And the further thole Laws extend, and the more Minifters or People are call out by them, the greater is the Schifm. XVI. 14, Ifany flould not only excommuni- cate :such perfons for not complying, with them In fin, but allo profecwe them with mulFls, im- prifonmet>ts, banifhments,. or other Frafrc ttion, to force them to tranf refs, this were yet more heinoufly aggrainted Schifm. XVII. 15. All thole would be deeply guilty of fuch Schifì who 'by talk, tvr:ti;Ìn, or preach- ing, ?ufAfe ir,and cry it up,and draw others into the guilt, and reproach the Innocent as Schifina= ticks, for not offending God. XVIII. 16. If any Mould corrupt fuch a Church, or its Doc7rinz, War/hip, or I >, fcipline in the very Ei7critials by letting up forbidden Offi- cers, and W01 ;ip, or calling out the Officers; iVarfoip or Rife/ ne inftit.t ted by Chrilt, and then profecut.e others for not communicating With them; this Would be vet the more heinous Schifm. XIX. 17. If either of the .lafr named forts, would nor be con?ent with mens Communion with them; but would afro flcnce and prof-awe filch as will not own, j f7fi, and corfnt to all that they do, by fdfcriptions, declarations, cove - ,.ants, prcnrfes, or oaths ; this would yet be a more aggr eared Schifì XX. IS. If the men that do this fhould be mere,obtruders and uf<<rpers, that have no true Pastoral power over thofè whom they perfecute s the Pope over other Kingdoms and Chur- ches)