Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

. Souls equally.precious. 3. The Gofpel and Cods worfhip equally neceffary, 4. And his Chrif unity enableth him not to do more hurt than a Pagan may do, but more good. If there- fore either out of Ungodly enmity to his own profefllon, or for fear of difpleafing his wicked or Infidel Subje(ts, he fhould forbid Chriftian Churches, he is not to be therein obeyed. XXXVIII. 6. If a Prince, Heathen, Infidel or Chriltian, forbid Gods Commanded worfhip, and any Commanded part of the Paftprs office, .( as in Papits Kingdoms Prayer in a known ,tongue, and the Cup in the Lords Supper is forbidden, and as they fay, all preaching' fave the reading ofLiturgies and Homilies is forbid- den in Mofcovie, and as the ufe of the Keyes is eláwhere forbidden;) It is no Schifnm to difobey fuch Laws, ( what Prudence may pro hic mine require ofany fingle perfon we now deter- mine not. ) XXXIX. 7. If any Prince would turn his 4ir cl m , or a whole Province -, Diocefs or County into One only Church and thereby over- throw all the .fui order of Churches of Chriis in/litutian, which are afföcs tted for Perfonal p-efert Communion, allowing them no Pafors that have the power of the Keys, and all cf.: feudal to their office;though he fhould allow Pa- rochial Oratories or ChappeL;which fhould be no true Churches,but Parts of a Church, It were no Schiliin to gather Churches within filch aChurch againff the Laws of Inch a Prince. Many write that there is but One Bifhop in Abaffa (though Iothe fay that others have Epifcopal power under