Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

} [541 L S. If Bifhops would ordain Presbyters by limtting wot°4s, refitain ng them from any Effen tial or IntegralPart ofthe Office or Power as in- ftituted by Clbriff, and yet profels that they or- dain them to the Office which Chrift hath infti- tuted,it is no Schitrri for thole Presbyters after- ward to claim (and execute in fea.fon) all the power which by Chrift's inftitution belongeth to their Office,though againft the Bifhops Wills. Becaufe the Bifhops are not the Authors or Donors of the Office Power, but only the Minifterial Deliverers and invefters ; And there- fore it is Chrift and not they, that muff defcribe it. XLI. 9, No Prince or Prelate bath power fromChrift to let over, or impofe upon any Church or Chr iftian people, any perfon as a Pallor who through Ignorance, Herefie,'Malig- nane opposition to piety, or utter defect of Miniffetial ability, is' uncapable of theOffice or unfit. to be rrufte'd by the people with the Paftoral care and conduct of their foules. Nor is it Srhifit in them to refute to commit their foules to fijch, nor to chufè and Life better; when they may do it, without greater hurt to others than their gain Will compenfate. XLII.._i-o. Princes or other Magiftrates are not appointed by God to be the ordinary Elea- ters and I;mpo f rs of Paftors on all the Churches and the.people bound to content to whomfoever they el '<F, But Christ hath given the Pfcps the power of free ordaining, arid the people the power of free contenting, and made Magifirates the Govcrnours of them that have this power. Even as he hath not given -porver to Princes.