[ 68 you may fee what will follow. We do not. cite Cyprian and the AfricanCouncil as infallible, nor as having more Governing power over us than the prefent Rulers, but as being to is ( I fzy to us) ofmore credit and authority in telling xis what is jure divino than thole Biítzops or others that now condemn us as Schifmaticks, . CIrian and the .African Councill were not for4idden for this judgment of theirs to Preach Chrifts Gofpel, nor calf out of the Churches, nor lent to Goals, nor called and ufed as Rogues and Schirmaticks,and farr worfe then drunkards, adulterers, yea or the atheifts and infidels among us. (Nor were the people that obeyed their Co.uucill fo ufed. ) But the names of thefe holy men are venerable to this day. Obj. 2. 'were were then no Chrifian Magift- ra tes, and therefore thepeoplespower muff be ufed Zn their iead. . ./inif. Church power was the fame before and after; The ',awes of (shrift concerning' it altered not:The Paftors were then the Guides of the people by divine right : And the power of the Keyes was no leis forcible or effectual as ufed by the Bit`hops and Presbyters, than when the power of the (word was added, to them (if not much more.) And the peoples power of choofing and reftifing Biíhops continued many. h . ndred years after Ma giftrates were Chriftians, confirmed even by Popes and Councills. O,j. 3. 7has would call all into conftifîon, and tilde 11.old be no Church Government, if the j eoplc be Iudr:ec when a "Windier is bad, and then may pull him down or forfei e him, and choofe anat t her . nfwe