C1ïf9 ; AAA r S , 45 rAt 13 xa. 40 414 `f. ;`f0 4.44 4,10 4,44,4L, 4414 414 To the Reverend Conforming Clergy. Reverend Fathers andBrethren, IT is now feventeen years fnce.neer two thoqfand Minifters of Chrifl were by Law forbidden the exercise of their Cat= fice,unlefs they didconform to Subfcrip- tions, Covenants, Declarations and Pra&ices, whichwe durfl not do,becaufe we feared God: Forefeeing what this would do to the deífxoy- ingofLove and Concord, and ofmens fous, weakning theLand,encoura;ingPopery, He- retie and Schifrn, we did our Left Letime by Reafon, & fubmißîve petitioning the Bifbops, to have prevented it ; but in vain : We ne- ver made one motion for Presbytery, or againfl Liturgies, nor to abate any of the I3ifhops Wealth, or Honour, nor any thing as to Church- Government, but Arch' 13ilhop 7}fhers Model of the Primitive way: And we thankfully accepted ofmuch :fs, elpreft to His a)efties Gracious Tecía: 3tion about A 3 Lccle-