C737 o went BJhops receive none without the cossfent of cc the Bfrop who hitherto held them (fo be it) not cc proudly : For ifhe over-hold them, afetling to " fit over the people, and defpifing his fellow .r Nhops, he is not only to be driven from the re " tanned Dioc : f but alp from his own Church, And ex Con. Sard. 2. `c [ A Btfhop that ly ambi te tio°a changeth his feat (which was then for- bidden by theCanonslfhJJ not have(fo muchas) ee Lap-communion, (no not)at the end (his death.) Even old Clemens Romanus, ad Corinth. tells them that they ought not to cart out thefeMi- niRers that live unblameably, having been Conftituted by the Apoftles or deinceps ab alit*: viris celebribus, 'Cum Confenfs Vniverfe Ecclefs. But I find the Roman and Tyrannical fpirie much infifting uppon this, that the Chriftian Religion was but in the fhell.or- Embryo in the Apoítles dayes; and under Chriftian Emperours is grown up to the maturity of Papacie, riches, pomp, and grandeur, and that great power which the Chriftian Emperours gave the Patri- archs and prelates of their times. But this Hy- pothefis muff be better provedbefore we can re- ceive it : We confefs that for extent and number the Church was there in its minority : But if it was fo as to infallibility ofdoCtrine & perfection of Laws, and exemplary lives, then the Pope is better than Chrift and his Apoítles and their contemptible Decretals and firebrand Cot ncills are better than the facred fcriptures, and their degenerate Clergie and people better than the ancient holy peaceable Chriftians,& their blood- fhedders better than the Martyrs,and the Crofs- makers better than the Croí ..-- bearers ; which are