Ch. I. Dijciples St. Mark. calleJ. Ch. r. 2 r, 22. He fpake, as authorized by God to fpeak in his name, and not as an ordinary ! x- pofisor of the Law. 23. And there was in their fyna- gogue a man with an unclean fpirit, and he cried out, 24. Saying, Let us alone, what have we to do with thee, thou Jefus of Nazareth ? art thou come to deftroy us ? I know theewho thou art, the holy one of God. 25. And Jefirs rebuked him, faying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. 26. And when the unclean fpirit had torn him , and cried with a Ioud voice, he carne Out ofhim. 27. And they were all amazed, infomuch that they que- rfioned among themfelves, paying, What thing is this ? what new do- arine is this ? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean fpirits, and they do-obey him. 23, d7e. N. r. By an `Unclean Spirit , he meant the Devil as luck. 2. Forced Obedi- ence is common ro Devils q Willing and lo- ving Obedience belongeth to Children. 28. And immediately his fame fpread abroad throughout all the re- gion round about Galilee. 29. And :ortawith when they were corne out of the fynagogue, they entred into the haute of Simon and Andrew, withJames and John. 29. N. Chrib's chief Ap01'11es dwelt in Ca- pernw.rn. 30. But Simon's wifes mother lay tick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her. 3 r. And he came and took her by the hand, and lift her up; and immediately the fever left her , and fhe minifired unto' them. 3o, 3r. She was prefently fo cured, that the fervid them. 32. And at even, when the fun did fee, they brought unto him all that were difeafed, and them that were poffeffed with devils. 33. And all the city was gathered together at the door. 34. And he healed many that were lick of divers dill cafes , and calt out many devils, and fuffered not the devils to fpeak, becaufe they knew him. 32. bra. He needed not the Devil's TePi. many. 35. And in the morning, talrrag up a great while beforeday, he went, our, and departed into a folitary place and there prayed. 4c; N. Have not we Sinners more need to break oer Peep for lècret Prayer ? fle prayed nor withhis Difcipl<s, becauts the fame Con- feffions and lrayeta wcre not tit for him and them. 36. And Simon , and they that were with him, followed after him. 37. And when they had found him, they faid unto him, all men f ek for thee. 38. And he faid unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there alto : for therefore camel forth. 36, 57, 38 l mutt preach in more peaces than ene. 39. And he preached in their fy- nagogues throughout all Galilee and calf out devils. 4o. And there came a leper to him, befeechinghint, and kneeling down to him, and fay_ ing unto him, If thou wilt, thou canífmake me clean. 41. And Je- fus moved with compaon , put forth his hand, and touched him, and faith unto him, Iwill, be thoucleaia., 42. And ailoon as he had fpoicen, immediately the leprofie departed from him, and lie was cleanfèd. 39, 40. Believing his Power, he found that he was willing, 43. And he ftraitly charged him, and forthwith tent him away ; 44, And faith unto him, See thou fay~ nothing to any man: but go thy way, fhew thy felf to the price, and offer for thy cleánfing thof things which Moles commanded, for a tellioaony unto them. 43. N. thrift required the legal Duties Ca the unlawfullyculled and bad l'riefts: 45. But he went out, and began to publifh it much, asid to blaze a- bróad the matter, infomuch that je:< fus could no more openly enter into the city, but was lvirllotft in desert places :