Ch. 9. Avoidpride St. M 49, But Jefus faid , forbid him not : for there is no man which fhall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly (peak evil of me. 40. For he that is not againít us, is on our part. 39. N Men that preaeh in Chrift's Name therefore, are not to be filenced, though faulty ; if they do more good than harm, Dreadful then is the Cafe of them that filence Chaffs faithful Minifters. 40. In point of Service to the Church, He that is not againff it, is fomeway for it as Soldiers fay of Country-men that are not a- gainft them. But as to their own Salvation, He that is not for Chrift above all the World, isagainft him, and no fincere Chriftian ; As Captains fay to their lifted Soldiers, Fight, or be Cgíhierd. 41. For whofoever ¡hall give you a cup of water to drink, in myname, becaufe ye belong to Chrift, verily I fay unto you, he ¡hall not lofe his reward. 40. He that Both the leaft good to a Chri- (Ilan, from a true love co Chrift, would do more, were it in his Power : And hethat cloth good but from common Principles, though he be not Caved, Shall have fome Reward, and Shall be no Lofer, but a Gainer, by all the good that hecloth. 42. And whofoever ¡hall offend one of theft little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a mil¡lone were hanged about his neck, andhe were caft into the fea. 42. N. O then, what will becomeofTemp- tees, Perfecutors, and malignant Enemies! By Coffendmg] is meant Chindriag fromfaith and a holy life.] And by [better], is meant, [Sri a fmaller hurt.] 43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is bettet for thee to enter into life maimed , than ha- ving two hands, to go into hell, into the fire that never ¡hall be quenched : 44. Where their worm dieth not, and the .fire is not quen- ched. 45. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee tp enter halt into life, then having two feet to be caft into hell, into the fire that never ¡hall be quenched 46. Where their worm dieth not , and the fire is not ark. andJcandal. Ch. 9, quenched. 47. And if thine eye offend thee , pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, then having two eyes to be caft into hell fire : 48. Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 4 t , be. -Sogreat is the difference between the wellfare of this Bleib , and the Life to come, that you canndt get Heaven, and ef- cape Hell-fire at too dear a rate: Ifa Hand or Foot, orEye, were fo trong a hindrance, as that you had no other way to avoid Sin . and Hell, it is a far lefs evil ro lofe fuch a Member, than to lie in Hell. N. The mean- ing is not, that any Man is in Iách a Cafe, that he bath no better way to avoid fin, and Hell: Buc if he had no better, he Should choofe this : Nor cloth it mean, that maimed Per- fons are maimed in Heaven: but if it wem fo, it were a lets evil. 49. For every one fhall be fatt- ed with fire, and every facrifice ¡hall be faked with fait. go. Salt is good : but if the falt have loft his faltnefs, wherewith will ye fea- fon it? Have fait in your felves, and have peace one with another. 49, And be lure , that the fire of Affli- ction (hall be as Salt to you all, that now are thinking of Preeminence: and thofe of you that are found, it Shall make fitter to be pure Sacrifices to God. 5o. Andyou that are Preachers, and Profeffors of Chriftianity, be- ing thus faked , your felves mull be the Salt of the Earth , to feafon others, by ho- ly Do&rine and Pra&ice. But if you should lofe found Dobrine, and Chriftianity, what then Shall feafon you ? Keep up found Truth (that feafoneth, though it caufe Come fmarr) inyour felves, and inReadof feeking Superio- rity, live in peace, and gentle meeknefs with one another. CHAP. X. r, e Nd he arofe from thence, !1 and cometh into the coafts ofJudea, by the farther fide of Jor- dan : and the people refort unto him again; and as he was wont he taught them again. 2. And the Pharifees came to him, and asked him.