Ch. rr. Chrifl's authority, Mark. ass. Left they fhould fitrprize him in the Night, as they did at laft. 20. And in the morning, as they paffed by , they Paw the fig-tree dried up from the roots. 21. And Peter calling to remembrance, faith unto him, Mafler, behold, the fig- tree which thou curfedít, is wi- thered away. 22. And Jefus an- fwering, faith unto them Have faith in God. 23. For verily I fay unto you, thatwhofoever (hall fay unto this mountain, Be thou re- moved, and be thou cal} into the fea, and fhall not doubt in his heart, but fhall believe that thofe things which he faith fhall come to país, he fhall have whatfoever he faith. 24. Therefore I fay unto you, What things foever ye defire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and he (hall have them. 23. No difficulty shall hinder you from obtaining what God bath promifed, and is fit tobe done, if you firmly truít his love and pro- mife. 25. And when ye fland praying, forgive, if ye have ought againf} a- ny : that your father alto which is in heaven may forgive you your trefpaffes. 25. And forgiving and Charity is necefIary to fiiccefs as well as believing: Believing fup- pefeth other requifites. 26. But if you do not forgive, neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trefpaffes. 26, Note, This theweth that the promife ofgranting Believers Prayers, meaneth csterar paribsci, other requifites being anfwerable. 27. And they come again to Je- tufalem : and as he vas walking in the temple, there come to him the Chief priefls, and the fcribes, and the elders, 28. And fay unto him, By what authority doff thou thefe things ? and who gave thee chis au- thority to do thefe things.. 27. Note, They judged truly that they were not to be done without authority But knew not that hisauthority was from God. 29. And Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, I will alto ask ofyou one qusfiion, and anfwer me, and I fle Vineyard let. Ch. rz. will tell you by what authorityI do thefe things. 3o. The baptifm ofJohn, was it from heaven, or of men ? anfwer me. 3o. Note, Had they confeft Von to be of God, he would have produced his teftimony : Had they denied it they had gainfayed them- felvesand the peoples voice: For the generali. ty of them were baptized by labs, in hope that their Meffrah and his Kingdom, and their deliverance were at hand, 31. And they reafoned with themfelves, Paying, if we íhall fay, From heaven , he will fay , Why then did ye not believe him ? 32. But if we Limit fay, Of men, they feared the people : for all men counted John, that he was a pro- phet indeed. 33. And they an. fwered and laid unto Jefus , We cannot tell : And Jefus anfwering, faith unto them, neither do I tell you by what authority I do thefe things. 3z. N. It was well that they confidered whatmight be faid egainft them, which now molt Chriftians do not in their Difputes. 2. Thefe Perfecutors and the Romans had tome Charity and Confideration, in that they were reftrained by the fear of the People, and did not accufe and fine them as for Rotin, Riots, andSedition. 3. They that deny necefiary premifes are not to be difputed with. CHAP. XII. r. A Nd he began to fpeak unto [ diem by parables. A ter. tain man planted a vineyard, and fet an hedge about it,. and digge a place for the wine -fat, and built a towre, and let it out to husband. men, and went into a far country. 2. And at the feafon he fent to the husbandmen a fervant , that he might receive from the husband- men of the fruit of the vineyard. 3. And they caught him, and beat him, and fent him away empty. 4. And again he fent unto them another fervant ; and at him they daft ftones, and wounded him in I tiro