Gh. •*&) Cbrift 'ttrrtpted. ' St. Mafk. .The TLefurreSlion. Ch. t* fhehtaft/’and fent feww h y tome- fuH^Tliafidled.':-;. .Aridhgiiri' he feht another } and him they kilted: and many others, heating fbme, 'and jqHiftgjfo'rrFe:'1 ’| * ’ ' .'MffiP, wtio. did", this ? Cwfto'. TTKjf*only niatibriftl Cihirch, ’o/i''tairfch, si l Sid® fj|teafe upon this!vkarhing;dPphrift ? wbtie. 5. Why' did they do it? ' iAiifo. Through folly and wickednefs. 4, The things that harebden, are : This*is ilo nrkt%Q thmg yet bn Earth. 1 fe .BaVing yet therefore one fen, hiswell-beloved, he feftt him--alfo lag urit© them,- faying*g(Theyywiil teVereriOe* my foil. '■■*}} Butitlidfe husbandmen - ftid -SBangfl:- therri- felv'e# This isj the hejf f come, > -let tfS-kiH'-liimh^^ and' the- -inheritance fliafl be1!oufs,!-‘ - 8.•Arid -they took liimparid' killed -Wk, and !c'afk'him hut. of • i ‘Nttdj tio'^onder rhat'.ne irnncency.or - worth can preferve his Minifters from thtir y^gej, and from being ;ca(t .out of the -Vmc- futiuLdanfw j .-]|cmList i9. Wliat-.ihall;therefore the Lord asfthte tvmeyard d®>? "he will- come jepd defltOyfthy hteshandmen, and ‘iyi^'giye the yindyaijd unto dthgrs. . <>. He will deftroy tnijfe fiiis, ;and,call the fewrife tqdieco^ieh^Cbufch, . 10. And ’have’ ye hot read this jcriptunei,—The .lions, .which .the builders rejected is become the head of,after comer. |^r%JTJiis was the Lord’s doing,- and it is marvellous in,our eyes*. n„j hi ‘ ;'ih ^sr.lj8./fi/Al.i;«• ’• f . raViAndwy fought today hold feafo# thb pfo|lenj/ 'for xflfeycn^iv ..that T'eJhad-<pdkeh the feab^aa%aifift thefef-knd they left hfljl i’dh'dw,e:rit th‘eii‘.Way. . ijftt ■»hi‘ch%.fphken a^ainft'had tnieh enraged) them, be lt defer 'to ‘true- slid jndceflatyit . 6vim ' ' ' -i. i ji .'And they ferid unto himhcer- iairi ofithe pharifees ianditof-the •Hetodiansv,'atohoatoh "hihvubA his words'. . 14.;And.Vwhen they were teome,'-’they:day urito-him, 1Matter, nvo know 'that itnue, .. and. tareft for no matt; for dVouf.regardeft not the perfon of men, but teacheft the .way of; God in truth : Is it'lawfulto give tribute to Cefar' or'ftot’? .’¥5. Theyfendtholethat ‘thought Ctfarsn Ufufper, or atleaft.hadno right to that,fori oftributes, alienatedfrom;thcSan&uary, and the.HerodUmthat wereforCxfar\right.. Am, They .give Chrift,a "flattering 1Charader to enfUarehim. if. Shall we 'give, or 3891 we not give ? But he knowing their hy^obrilie, faid unto them, Why ferii]it ye me: bring, nife -a penny, fha't 1-may lee it. ' '1A. And they broUghtVf:, andh’e laifh'Unto them, Whofe is this ‘image ,and fupetfofip- tibn ? ’A’hd they'laid unto him Cei far’s., 17V And Jefus anfwering, fold unto .them, Render to Celar the things that are, Gefar’s, andtd God-the thmgs’that are God’s. 'And theymarv^lled'Sthirri. : T'j. !;See bn 'JMktttilIs1! *Wfe-yare?hot BouHd ,to knf^br'Hire(3!ly!tb all Tuch infnaring ^ubftioris, nbr tbUtisfte -tftfe TVmptefs; 4 ,i:8. Then,, come unto him'the Radduies; ’which Tay thefe is 'no refurrdftio'n y and they , asked him, fayikg', '.',10. Ma’fterj Mofts,Wrote tilrtb US, -If a marts brtiHie'r dftj -arid leave, his .wife behind him", hhd leave no children, .that his brother iftould take his wife, and raife up feed uhto'his brother. 20. Now. tlier.e 'were fev.en . brethren : and the.firft took a wife, and dying left rib'feed.: 21. Andsthe feeond took her,' arid1died, ^neither left ‘he a'; ny feed ?nd the'thifft' like^ifei »a; And ’fne feyenthaa,'Hei , .anij lift ho feed : lift o f all idle ,wor man died alfo. 23. In the reftitre; ifti&n' therefore* wheri thVy'fcilLrife, whofe wife, ihall Ihe;' be, of then! ? for tus,fiv?h .ftad her fb-wife' 23. kiTOnc.-iua"Men-frBmlOyifUfe iuppoET- tion, infermany thu are wode. " .J1 ' ya^.'And, Jefh^anftyeft.ilji.ftift unto them, iDo ye not tilerbforc le'rr, fbeeaufe fe knj>5V-hef. the,foip- iture's^neither ■.the, .po\vew .of God? tej; For when they-, fkell rife,,from ■ ' ' the