Ch. z4. Chrift betrayeJ. St. Mark. C.hrift accufeel. Ch. 14. build another made without hands- 59. But neither fo did their witnefs agree together. s?. Nate. We }I've men feemingly 'wife now, that would fay, Why did Chr(ß (peak fo unadvifedlyas to give occafion to Poch acct- fors? But what can be Spoken fo well, from whence filch men will not take occalion of Calumny. 6o. And the high prieft flood up in the mïds, andasked Jefus, faying, Anfwereft thou nothing ? what is it which thefe witnefs agaìnft thee ? 6o. Note, The Arch-prieft-(who was rela- tively and by profetlion the holieft man of that Nation, and of the whole World,) was the Arch-enemy and perfecucer of Chrift, and the greatenplague of his whole Country. 6r. But he held his peace, and anfwered nothing. Again the high prieft asked him, anddiid unto him, Art thou the Chrift the Son of the Bleffed ? 62. AndJefus faid, Iam: and ye (hall fee the Son of man fit- ting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of hea- ven . 61. When the fubtil Prieft could prove no- thing again(} him, he craftily puts a queltion the elders, and the fcribes. to him (equal to an ex ofaio oarb) which he 53. They led Chrift as Prifoner to thofe knew he would anf.ver, that he might out that Cant them to take him t which was theyews of his own words accule him. Church reprefenrative, or Council. 63. Then the high prieft rent his 54. And Peter followed him afar clothes, and faith, What need we off, even into the palace of the any further witnefTes ? 64. Ye high prieft : and he fat with the have heard the blafphemy : what fervants, and warmed himfelf at think ye ? And they all condemned the fire. S 5. And the chief priefts, him to beguilty of death. and all the council fought for wit- 63. Note, He had been better have renthis nefs againft Jefus to put him to heart for his wickednefs r Here ìs Diabolifm death ; and found none. 56. For it felt douched with the highen pretence many bear falfe witnefs a ainft him, Confederates. hod ate by the holy if the zed n-. y g r e No wonder whole Con- but their witnefs agreed not toge- vocation condemnChrift, when fuck an High. ther. Pries leads them. s 5. They firft refolve of his death, and af- 65. And fome began to fpit on ter fearch for tome pretended caufe : But their him, and to cover his face, and to fubornedwitnefs fpasee not crime enough for Death. buffet him, and to fay unto him, 57 And there arofe certain, and Prophefie : and the fervants did bare falfe witnefs a ainit him, fay- Strike him with the palms of their g will hands. ing, 58. We heard him fay, I 65. Note, This theSon of God endured for deftroy this temple that is made with our fins : And doch it befeem us to be tender hands, and within threedays I will of fuffering abufe? 47. Note, Had but one Peter done this rah unwarrantable ad again(} Papitts, when they: arekilling true Chiftians, as Butchers do Sheep, would publifh to the World, ` that the whole Party are feditious Rebels: yea, if any do but fpeak again(t their Murders. I mean they have done thus. 48. And Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, Are ye come out as a- gainft a thief, with fwords and with (laves to take me ? 49. I was dai- ly with you in the temple, teach- ing, and ye took me not : but the fcriptures muff be fulfilled. 49. The Scripture foretold a!1 this ufage. 50. And they all forföok him and fled. 5i. And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cart about his naked body ; and the young men laid hold, on him. 52. And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. so. All the Difciples locally forlook him to fave themfelves, though not fo as totally to defect himwith their heart. sr. Being in the night, fome young man, either undreft, or cais'd out ofbed, was come thither. 53. And they led Jefus away to the high prieft and with himwere affembled all the chief priefts , and 66. And