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Ch. 7. Tie Centurion's faith. St. that houle, and could not (hake it : for it was founded upon a rock. 47, 48. As a buildingon a Rock will Rand in Storms, fo he that obcyeth my Word, will Rand in Tryal. ` How is our Obedience made the Rock that we build on ? Is not Chrift the Rock? .AuJie. Similitudes muff not be ftretchcd beyond their intent. It's only the ftability of the obedient that is meant. 49. But he that heareth, and do- eth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an houfe upon the earth, againft which the {Item did beat vehemently, and immedi- ately it fell, and the ruine of that houfe was great. 49. Hypocritical, Difobedient Hearers, and Profeffors, have no firm foundation and Da- bility, trufìir,g to a harren Opinion infead of true Faith, and fu fall by woful ruin in their Tryals. Luke. TheWidows Son raifed.Ch.7à CHAP VII. a.' 1'Owwhen he had ended all IN his fayings in the audi- ence of the people, he entred into Capernaum. 2. And a certain cen- turion's fervant, who was dear unto him, was lick, and ready to die. 3. And when he heard of Jefus, he fent unto him the elders of the Jews, befeeching him that he would come and heal his fervant. q. And when they came to Jefus, they be- fought him inflantly, faying, That he was worthy for whom he should do this. 5. For he loveth our na- tion, and he bath built us a fyna- gogue. a, 2, 3, 4. S. See Matti, 8. 9. 6. Then Jefus went with them. And when he was flow not far from the houfe, the centurion fent friends to him, Paying unto him, Lord, trouble not thy felf, for I am not worthy that thou fhouldefc enter under my roof. 7. Wherefore nei- ther thought I my felf worthy to come unto thee : but fay in a word, and my fervant shall be healed. 8. For I allo am a man fet under autho- rity, having under me fouldiers, and I fay unto one, Go, and he goeth : and to another, Come, and he co- meth : and to my fervant, Do this, and he doeth it. 6, 7, 8. Nate ; The Devotion ofthis man in building a Synagogue, and his great Hu- mility, thew that he was better prepared for Faith than many others. 9. When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him , and turned him about, and laid unto the people that followed him, I fay unto you,. I have not found fo great faith, no, not in Israel. 9. As Man, he marvelled; as God, he fore- knew it. Noe ; Whether he took Chrift for his Sa- viour ís uncertain ; but the hearing of hi; works had canted him Strongly to believe his power to heal. so. And they that were fent, re- turning to the houfe, found the fer- vant whole, that had been tick. 1 r. And it came to pafs the day after, that he went into a citycalled Nain ; and many of his difciples went with hire, and much people, 12 Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out , the onely fon of his mother, and the was a widow : and much people of the city was with her. 13. And when the Lord law her, he had cornpafli- on on her, and faid unto her, Weep not. 14. And he carne and touched the bier, (and they that bare hint flood frill) and he faid, Young man, I fay unto thee, Arife. r 5. And he . that was dead fat up, and began to fpeak : and he delivered him to his mother. 16. And there carne a fear on all : and they glorified God, laying, That a great prophet is rifn up among us ; and, That God bath visited his people. 10, I r, I2, 1 3, 14, IS, 16. Note ; This Sa. viour bath still the fame Love and Pity, though he ate not Miracles fo much. He is Rill Lord of Life and Death. 17. And