(4) Eph. r. az, 23. So that the Law of Nature continued is now Chrift's Law, to which he hath added his fupernarural Inttitutions, and repeal'd all the Law of Moles, as fuch, having made the natural pat is his own. VIL As to the methodofthe New Teftament, it is peífeft-as to its intended ufe. r. The methodof the Dofsrine is exati, tho' as laps up in all the words and dir- enmftances, the unskilful difcern it nor; but in theBaptifmal Covenant, Creeds, Lord's Prayer and Decalogue,it is eafilydifcern'd. a. And as to the order of the Books and Words, it was meet that it fhould begin with the HilleryofChrif$'sLife, Death, Refurreftion andAfcenfion ; and thengive us a tafle of the Hiftoryofthe Apoftles, and lait ofall give us the applicatory part, firft to eftablifh the under- itsnding in the truth againfterrors,and then to dire t and quicken us to holinefs of life, and to comfort and patience in fudeiings, and a joyful expeûationofthe glorious reward. Forif the Hiftory had nor gone firft, whichgiveth us both the Matter and themiraculous Reafons and Grounds of our Belief, the application would have been built uponan infu(ficlent Foundation. VIII. It is the Gofpel that is God s molt wonderful declaration' of his Love to Mankind; theWorld lheweth his greatnefs,but it washi;Goodnefs andLove which fin, guilt and fearhad made hardett to our belief, which God hath glorified in the Face ofChriff : It is Chriff that is the Believer's daily anddelightfulRudy, the beft fort ofLearning and Wifdom which giveth quietnefs, and hope, and comfortto the Soul, when all other flukes except in purefubfervience to this.are but trilling, diverting, delufory, and vain. To study Chri(i inhis Nature, Perfon, Offices,Do- ftrines, Examples, Miracles, Sufferings, andDeath, RefurreCtion and Afcenfion ; fending down the Spirit of Miracles andHolinefs, reigning and interceding in Heaven, coming to Judgment, andglorified with hisChurch for ever : this, this is the high and noble, the fanfttfying and comforting Rudy, daily to behold the face ofGod's Love in this Glafs ofour Redemption, till confirm'd Faith ralle j,y9ful Hope, and turn our very nature intoholyLove to God and Man, and'ilablifh us in Obedienceand Patience againll all Temptations, Sufferings and fearof Death, andmake us long tobe withC/ar'f?,and love his appearing, and cry, Come Lord ye- Jus. This is the true lifeofChriffian Faith. Readers, Pray earnefilyand daily toGod, to give you that fame Spirit which Indited the Scripture, to qualifieyou to read and hear it, with Underftanding, Be- lief, Hope Love, and refolredObedience : and make it theLaw andRule ofyour Hearts andLives. And ifanyFanacicks tell you, that becaufe the Spirit is greater than theLetter, we muff try the Scriptures by the Spirit : andnot the Spirit by the Scriptures; tell themin thefe few plain words, that the Queftion is not rightly puts butwhe-' theytheyor we have the Spirit in thefame meafure, and to the fameufes as the Apoftles and Prophets had. And whether we mutt not rather try the Spirit and Words ofMen now, by the Spirit and Words of the Apoftles, than theirs byours. TheSpirit was given by Chrifl tohis Apoleles, to lead them into all Truth, and bring all his Dottrine andCommands to remembrance, to teach them to all Na, tions, recording them to be our continued Inftruítion, Law and Rules. But the Spirit is not given to .Quakers to thefeends, nor in this meafure.' And it is given now to the Faithful, not to reveal to them a newLaw and Gofpel, but to caufe them to understand, believe, loveand obey that already reveai'd. THE