Ch. 7. Chrifi't Te/timony, of St. t7. And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judea, and throughout all the region round a- bout. 18. And the difciples of John !hewed himof all thefe things. 19. AndJohn calling unto him two of his difciples, fent them unto Je- fus, faying, Art thou he that fhould come, or look we for another ? 't7, 18, r9. Note; It's like john did it to convince his Difciples. ao. When the men were come unto him, they faid, John Baptift hath fent us unto thee, faying, Art thou he that fhould come, or look we for another. 2c. See Math. r r. ar. And in that fame hour he cu- red many of their infirmities, and plagues, and of evil fpirits, andun- to many that were blind, he gave fight. 22. Then Jefus anfwering, laid unto them, Go your way, and tellJohn what things ye have feen and heard, how that the blind fee, the lame walk, the lepers are clean- fed, the deaf hear, the dead are rai- fed, to the poor the gofpel is preach- ed. 23. Andbleffed is he whofoever shall not be offended in me. 2I, 22, 23. Tell `john what is done, and let him judgeby the works. But messgreat dan- ger is, ofbeing fcandalized'at any vifible mean- nefa, and any Cùlferings. 24. And when the meffengers of John were departed , he began to fpeak unto the people concerning John, What tvent ye out into the wildernefs for to fee ? A reed 'ha- ken with the wind ? 25. But what went ye out for to fee ? A mando- thed in loft raiment ? Behold, they which are gorgeouflyapparelled, and live delicately, are in kings courts. 26. But what went yeout for to fee? A Prophet ? Yea, I fay unto you, and much more than a prophet. 27. This is he of whom it is written, Behold, I fend my meffenger before thy face, which !hall prepare thy way before thee. 28. For I fay un- to you, Among thofe that are born Luke. John the Baptift. Ch.7. of women, there is hot a greater prophet than John the Baptift : but he that is leafi in the kingdom of God, is greater than he. 24, 23, 26, 27, 24. The lean true Belie- ver in my Church hash a more honourable Rate and work, Sea Match. II. 29. And all the people that heard him and the publicanes juftified God, being baptized with the bap- tifinof John. 29. All she people that heard Chrite fpeak fo highly of yobs, were pleafed at it, and jufified God thatlent him; for They had been baptized by him. Or, as others expound it, Call the People that heardyoh's; and the pub- licans received his Meffage from God, dre.J 30. But the Pharifees and Law- yers reje&ed the counfel of God a gain!} themfelves, being not bapti- zed of him. 30. CReje&cd God's Meffage fent by Pal or Crejeded Chrife's Teftimonyof Yohn ] 31. And the Lord Paid, Where- untothen fhallI liken the men of this generation ? and to what are they like ? 32 They are like unto children fitting in the market-place, and cal- ling one to another, añd faying; We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced : wehave mourned to you, and ye have not wept. 33. For John the Baptift came neither eating'bread, nor drinking wine ; and ye fay, He bath a devil 31, 3a, 33. See Matti). ta. 33. That he is djl'tra`cred. 34. The fon of man is come ea- ting and drinking ; and ye fay, Be- hold a gluttonous man, and a wine- bibber, a friend of publicanes and fanners. 35. But wifdom is juíti- fiedof all her children. 34. 3 S Neither his AURerity, nor my free converfation, io efcape your century : But the wife will jufifie Wifdom. 36. And one of the Pharifees de- fired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pha- rifee's houle, and fat down to meat. 37. And behold a woman in-the ci- ty, which was a firmer, when the knew that Jefus fat at meat in the pharifee's houfe,brought analabafter -, box