Ch. '7. Chrif anointed. St. Luke. Mary Magdalene,&c. Ch.8. box of ointment. 38. And flood at his feet behind him 'weeping, and began to wails his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kifl'ed his feet, and and anointed them with the oint- ment. 36, 37, 38. A Woman who had been of a bad life. 39. Now when thepharifee which had bidden him, faw it, he fpake within himfelf, faying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him : for the is a firmer. 39. Chrift and the Pharifees agreed that fin is hateful. 40. And jefus anfwering, faid unto him, Siínon I have fomewhat to fay unto thee. Andhe faith, Ma- iler, fay on. 4r. There was a cer- tain creditour which had two debt- ers: the one ought five hundred pence, and the other fifty. 42. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore which of them will love him moil ? 43: Simon anfwe- red and faid, I fuppofe that he to whom he forgave moil. And he faid unto him, Thou haft rightly judged. 40,4 r,. 4s, 43. Note ; When God forgiveth great fins, it is that we may lovehim much. 44. And he turned to the woman, and faid unto Simon, Seeft thou this woman? I entred into thy houfe, thou gave$ me no water for my feet : but the bath wafhed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs ofher head. 45. Thou gavefl me no kifs : but this woman, fince the time I came in, bath not ceafed to kifs my feet. 46. Mine head with oyl thou didfl hot anoint : but this woman bath anointed my feet with ointment. 44, 45, 46. She bath ihewed more Love than thou. 47 Wherefore I fay unto thee, Her fins which are many, are for- given ; for the loved much : but to whom is little forgiven the fame lo- veth little. 48. And he Paid unto her, Thy fins are forgiven. 47. Her great Love fheweth that her great fins are forgiven, for it is her gratefid return : But they that think they need but little par- don, will return but little thankfulnefs for ir. 48. Note, No doubt they were truly repent- ed of, hated, and forfaken. 49. And they that fat at meat with him, began to fay within them- felves, Who is this that forgiveth fins allo? 50. And he laid to the woman, Thy faith bath Paved thee ; go in peace. 49. Note, None can forgive fins againft God but God, and man after (nor before him) by declaring, and delivering God's pardon. s o. God pardoneth and faveth all true be- lievers ; And thou haft :hewed that thou art believer. Though God freely give pardon an Salvation, thy faith maketh thee a qualified receiver, and fo fàveth thee. CHAP. VÌIÌ. r. Nd it came to pars afterward; C, that lae went throughouteve= ry' city and village preaching, and (dewing the glad tidings of the king- dom of God : and the twelve mere with him ; 2. And certain women which had been healed of evil fpi- rits and infirmities, Mary calledMag- dalene, out of whom went (even devils, 3. And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's ileward, and Sufan- na, and many others, which mini- fired unto him of their fubf'lance. a, z, 3. In the thankful fenfe of their de- liverance attended him, and contributed to his maintenance, Nate, Chrift that was Lord of all, and gave others Life and Salvation, difdained not to live on others gifts, and contribution. 4. And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he fpake by a parable g. A fower went out to low his feed : and as he fowed, fonte fell by the ways fide, and it I w2s