Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. xo. How to St. Luke. be Saved. Ch. yo. 27, 28. Note, This is nit the fame 'Hiltory thinker] thou, was neighbour unto that is mentioned, Harth. 19. 16. there is him that fell among the theives ? much of the fame, and yet much difference: 36. Which of them took the man for his ThereChrift repeateth the Commands particu- larl ,but here theLawyer eareththemiìmh- Neighbour, and dealt as a Neighbour with Y P him ? thew. But in Luke. 18. r8. is the fame with 37 And he raid, He that thew- this, and a diitinç} Hiftory, ed mercy on him. Then laid Je. Note ; whoever loveth God fincerely, and fus unto him , Go, and do thou his neighho:r as hi:nfeif !hall he faced. But likewife. this will never be done without Regenerating 37 So do thou, end though he be a Sama. Grace. titan, a Schifmatick, a Heretick, ufe him with 19. But he willing to juflifie filchCharity as thy Neighbour. himfelf, faid unto Jefus, And who Nate; Do they fo, that ruin, hunt, and de. ftroy fuels, and better men is myneighbour ? 29. N-te; This overwillingnefs to jultifie 38. Now it came to pars, as they our felves, is one of the deepest rooted, and went, that he entred into a certain commaneft vices in corrupted Nature. village : and a certain woman na- 30. And Jefus anfwering, Paid, med Martha, received him into her A certain man went down from houfe. 39. And the had a filler Jerufalem to Jericho, and fell a- called Mary, which alto fat at Jefus mong thieves, which flripped him feet, and heard his word. of his raiment, and wounded dim, 38, 39. Martha was the Houfe.keeper or and departed, leaving him half-dead. Owner. g I. And by chance there came down 4o. But Martha was cumbred a- a certain prreft that way; and when bout much ferving, and came to he raw him, he paffed by on the him, and faid, Lord, doll thou not other fide. 32. And likewife a Le- care that my filter hath left me to vite, when he was at the place, ferve alone ? bid her therefore that came and looked on him, and paffed the help nie. by on the other fide. 33. But a 40. The followers of Chrif to be provided certain Samaritatie, as he journyed, for, were many, and the work feemed rieceffa. came where he was: and when he ry faiw him, he had compaffion on him, `41. And Jefus anfwered, and laid unto her ,- Martha , Martha, thou 34 And went tohim, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oyl and art careful, and troubled about ma- 'wine, and let him on his own beaft, ny things : 42. But one thing is and brought him to an inn, and took needful , And Mary bath cholèn care of him. 35. And on the mor- that good part, which shall not be row when he departed, he took out taken away from her. two ence. and gave them to the 4r, 42. Thou troubles} thy Pelf more than P g needs, and unfeäfonably, about many things hoff, and faid unto him, Take care of lets necefïity. But to learn the way of Sal. of hint ; and whatfdever thou fpend- vation, and fo to be hleffedin the Kingdom eft more, when I come again, I will of Gcd, is the one thing of àbfolnte neceffity. repay thee, This <3S.:ry hath preferred ; and fb Couldelt 30, 3 h > 32.34, 34, 3 5 The Prieft and the thou, and have left ferving to thefccond place: Revile who Could be the molt holy and cha- And which Call deprive her of that better por- t-vic pall by himwithout helping him ; but tion Ce chnot a Samaritan, one contemned by themas a Here- Note. a. Chrift loth not blame Martha for tick, or prophane Rollick, took him up, and her care and this ut for not pamerrhe better: helped him. Nor (peaks fo much to blame her, as to Note; They abode the Text that fay, by the commend Mary, and to teach us all what to Samaritan is meant Chrift, and by two pence, prefer. the two Tetfamenta tkc 2, One thing only (in a comprehenfive marily. Sea Mark as. ri. agreeth with Mar- 36. Which now of there three, fenfe, as containing Salvation, and its ne- cefTany means) is of fach abfolute neceliity to man,