Ch. i r. The Lord's St. I. man, that all things elfe Ilhould be put behind it. 3. Preferring things lets neceffary, though good, and troubling our felves about need- noes, is a common fault, even of religious perfon s. 4. That is a fault out of his due time and place, which is a great duty in its lea fon. s. They that prefer and chofe the belt, flail have the heft, whoever is againft it 6. Even godly perlons and near, are apt upon croft IItterefts -and Opinions, to c:rnfure and accufe each other upon miftake, when the fault is in the accufèr, and that to Chrift, 7. But Chritt will juftihe the right. CHAP. XI. fu, : For fo the Syriack fignifieth, in which Chrift fpake : Though allo our obligation to keep the Law of Innocency on pain of death, or for lultification, is a Debt which God remit- tech by the Law ofFaith and Grace, and accep- teth on our part Faith and fincere Obedience, for the Merit of Chrift, who fulfilled that per- fc& Law. 5. And he Paid unto them, Which of you !hall have a friend, and (hall go unto him at midnight, and fay unto him , Friend, lend me three loaves ; 6. For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to let before him 7 And he from within (hall aufwer and fay, Trouble me not : the door is now flint, and my children are with me in bed , I cannot rife and give thee. 8. I fay unto you, Though he will not rife and give him, becaufe he is his friend : yet becaufe of his importunity, he will rife and give him as many as he needeth. 5,6,7,8. Though God be not as Man; that giveth to the importunate to be eared of them, yet importunity alto prevaileth with him as it fits the Receiver for his Gifts. 9. And I fay unto you, Ask, and it (hall be given you : leek, and ye (hall find : knock, and it fhall be o- pened unto you. To. For every one that asketh, receiveth and he that ; feeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh it (hall be opened. 9, to. He that 'via fpare,for no labour, and take no denial, thall haveno denial finally : He that entity giveth over his fuir, and will not be at pains and patience, forfeiteth mercy by contempt. a r r. If a ton (hall ask breadofany of you that is afather, will he give him a (lone ? or if he alk a fifh, will he for a fib give him a ferpent ? I a. Or if he Thal! ask an egg, will he offer hint a fcorpion ? 13 . If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children : how much more fhall your heaven- ly Father give the holy fpirit to t them that ask him. r. /\ Nd it came to pafs, that as he jl was praying in a certain place, when he ceafed, one of his difciples faid unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John alfo taught his difciples. r. It teems they had till now been too little, andunskilful in prayer. 2. And he faid unto them, When ye pray, fay, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, fo-in earth. 3. Give us day by day our daily bread. 4. And forgive us our tins for we alfo forgive every óne,that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 2. 3, 4, See the Expofition of the Lord' Prayer on Matth, 6. 9. Note; It is evident that Chrift gave them thi prayer to be ufed as a Direeloty for Matter and Method, and as a meet form of words when they pray comprehenfvely and fummari- ly, though not tying them always to ale thele very words, nor togo through the whole Me thod, when occafion confines them to tome one branch, or requires them to inftft molt on it t much lets obliging or allowing them to ufè n other : And fo the Apoftles and all the Church underftood it. The (mall difference in words between Matthew and Lake, are not material; fave tha Luke omitteth the Doxology in the end. r s' r2, 13. rote ; God's Goodnels is a great By [Debt] verfe 4. is meant chiefly streng or grouted of hope that he willgrant our prap.°:s; th,:t