Ch. i 3. Chrift, ctsreth St: Luk e. on thefabbatb. Ch. i3; his ox or his als from the ball, and lead him away to watering? r6. And ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham, whom Sa- tan hath bound , to thefe eighteen years , he loofed from this bond on the fabath-day ? 004,15, 16. note; It is the part of Hypo- crites to let up Ceremony and Cireumfanccs egainft Moral Duties, (or neceflary good Works) to Body or Soul. try. And when he had laid thefe things, all his adverfaries were afha- med : and all the people rejoyced for all the glorious things that were done by him. r7. His Reafon and his Miracle convinced the common people of the shameful Errour of that ceremoninous Ruler. 18. Then Paid he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto (hall I refemble it ? 19. It is like a grain of mußard-feed, which a man took and caft into his garden, and it grew, and waxed a great tree : and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it. 20. And again he faid, Whereunto i'hall I liken the kingdom ofGod? 21. It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three meafures of meal, till the whole was leavened. r8, 19, 20, 21. Note; ThoughChriff's Flock was little at firít, the Kingdoms of the World were after to become his Kingdom, and Na- tions to be difcipled and baptized. 22. And hewent through the ci- ties and villages, teaching and jour- neyingtowards Jerufalem. 23. Then faid one unto him, Lord, are there few that be faved ? And he faid un- to them. 2 4. Strive to enter in at the ftrait gate: for many, I fay unto you, will feek to enter in, and Ihall not be able. 22, 23, 24. Inftead of enquiring, Howma- ny? do thou labour to be one : And know, that the gate is ftrait : A life of Faith and Ho linefsmutt colt men fufferíngs in the flesh; therefore do not lazily with and leek, but Drive, and (pare no pains or colt : For many that leek erroneoufly, or Slothfully, and as Hypocrites, give God but the fecond place, Shall never be laved. aj. When once the mailer of the houle is rifen up,and hath lhut to the door, and ye begin to Band without, and to knock at the door, faying, Lord, Lcrd, open unto us ; and he fhall anfwer, and fay unto you, I know you not 'whence you are : 26. Then fhall ye begin to fay, We have eaten and drunk in thy pre- fence, and thou haft taught in our ftreets. 27. But he Ihall fay, I tell you, I know you not whence you are; depart fromme all ye workers of iniquity : - 25, 26, 27. All would be Caved, and cry for mercy, when it is too late ; thereforeDrive without delay ; And then all pretences of fa- miliarity with Chrife, or Clergy or Church-Yri- viledges, will fàve no unfan&ified man. a8. There fhall be weeping and gnaíhing of teeth, when ye Ball fee Abraham, and Ifaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you your favor thrust out. 28. It will encreafe your torment, to fee thofp that never law and heard what you have done, to be in Heaven, and you thrutc out to Hell for your unbelief and wickednefs. 29. And they Ihall come from the cuff, and from the weft, and from the north, and from the fouth, and fhall fit down in the kingdom of God. 3o. And behold, there are laft which fhall be first, and there are firft which Thai] be laft. 29, 30. The faithfulMall he received from all partsof the Earth : And fome that Shall be bornand called long hence, shall be more ex- cellent perlons, and have a mote glorious Crown, than many that are called now ; and when you Yews are rejeáed, who were a Church before them. 31. The fame day there came cer- tain of the pharifees , laying unto him,-Get thee out, and depart hence for Herod will kill thee. 32. And he faid unto them, Go ye and tell that fox, Behold, I cart out devils, and I do cures to day, and to Mor- row, and the third day I (hall be per- feeted. 3 t, 32. Note; He liken's Herod to a Fox for fuhtilty and cruelty. This example of Chrift will not juftifie any contumelious Language against Kicgs ; though th:y, that are called to Ma at