AMP Ch. 15'. Several foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it, begin to mock him. 3o. Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. 3 r. Or what king going to make war againft another king, litteth not down firft and confulteth whether he be able with ten thoufand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thoufand ? 32. Or elfe, while the other is yet a great way off, he fendeth an ambaffage , and delireth conditions of peace. 28, 29, 30, 5t,2. All wife men will con- fider, what it will colt them to finish before they begin. 33. So likewife, Whofoever he be of you, that forfaketh not all that he bath, he cannot be my difciple. 33. If he prefer not the Kingdom of Hea. ven before all worldly Intereft, and forfake it not all comparatively in efteem and refolution now, and in ait when he is called to it. 34. Salt is good : but if the fait have loft his favour, wherewith fhall it be feafoned ? 3 5. It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dung- hii ; but men call it out. He that hark ears to hear, let him hear. 34, 35. Ye are the Salt of this corrupted World : But if you, my Difciples, efpecially Preachers, should apoflatize, you would be the vileft and moti hopelefs men on Earth; defpi fed, and raft out by God and Man, There- forecount your colt, before you undertake the Sacred Miniflry, or Christian Profeít on. St: Luke. Parables. Ch. .tg. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, Paying unto them, Re. joyce with me, for I have found my cheep which was loft. T, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Should not I do snore for a loft Sinner, than you would do for a luit Sheep ? y. I fayunto you, that likewife joy fhall be in heaven over one fan- ner that repenteth, more then over ninety and nine ¡rift perfons, which need no repentance. 7. The heavenly Society rejoyce over one converted Sinner, more than over many that need no converfion from a fine of fin, (though they need daily forrow for daily failings.) Note; More Soy fignifieth not more Leve'to that perfon But Chrift 1peaketh of the An- gels after the manner of men, that are mo11 aliened with unexpected things, and after . furrow mott rejoyce. 8. Either what woman having ten pieces of filver _, if fhe lode one piece, Both not light a candle, and fweep the houfe, and feek diligent- ly till fhe find it ? 9. And when fhe bath _found it, the calleth her friends and her neighbours together, Paying, Rejoyce with me, for I have found the piece which I had loft. r o. Likewife I fay unto you, There is joy in tlae pretence of the angels of God, over one Inner that repent- et h. 8, 9, ro. Note r. Oh what Love do we owe to Angels, who fo much love us ? Why do we not delire their company more, than that of this wicked World ? Angels Love isbut a Copy of God's Love : And (hall we diftruft, fear, and file from Love it fell? 2. Angels and good Men rejoyce at a Sinners converfion : Devils and wicked Men are against it. How contrary are thefe ? 3. Do Angels rejovce at the converfion of a fin- ner ? What joy fhould the converted them Pelves then have in it ? 4. Unconverted fin- neragratifie Devils, and deny Angels the joy of Love. I r. And he laid, A certain man had two tons : a z. And the youn- ger of them Paid to his father, Fa- ther, Give me the portion cf goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto him his living. r 3. And not many days after, the younger.fon ga- thered CHAP. XV. i.THen drew near unto bin all J( the publicanes and fannersfor to hear him. z. And the pharifees and fctibesmurmured, laying, This man receiveth fanners, and eateth with them. 3. And he fpake this parable unto them , laying, 4. What man ofyou having anhundred fheep, if he lofe one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the ivildernefs, and go after that which is loll, until he find it? ç. And when he bath found it, he layetll it on lais shoulders , rejoycing. G.