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Ch.. a6. Diver St. Luke. and Lazarus. Ch. t 6. Dogs help him, whom the rich Senfualift 25. Thou hadftthat which thoudid(t chore: would not help in any competent degree. Thou dial': prefer Huffily pleafure before the hopes ofHeaven, and thou haft had them. And 22. And it came to pats that Lazarus fubmitted to (offering on Earth for the beggar died, and was carried the hopes of Heaven, which he preferred, by the angels into Abraham's bo- and he bath now his choice. fom : the rich man alto died and Note T. God doth not damn any man for his being rich, but for being fenfual, and pre was buried. freeing fèlf-pleafing before his Salvation : 22. Note s Though this be a Parable, Nor doth he fave any for having fuffered Chrift would not by it ininuate falfe Do- in this World, but for preferring God and &sine : Therefore it theweth, that the Soul Heaven before prolperity and café ; and for loth not die with the Body, but goeth to fuffering to attain Salvation. 2. The next Joy or Mifery. ,Abraham is there alive, life will ferall firaighr, and tell us who made and Laz,artas in his bofom; (before the fi- the wifeft choice, and were indeed the hap- nal Beurre:lion) 2. Death quickly level- py men. leth Bich and Poor ; the voluptuous and the .afflited. 3. Angels that guard the. Juft in 26. Andbetides all this, between life, refutenot at death to ferve their Souls us and you there is a great gulf as their Convoy unto Happinefs. 4. To be fixed : fo that they which would buried in a Grave, and rot to duft, is the belt that the pampered Beth of the wicked pals from hence to you cannot; nei- can expé&. ther can they pafs to us, that would 23. And in hell he lift up his Come frem thence. eyes being in torments, and teeth 26. Heavenand Hell may have fame know- ledge of each others cafe, but no aced;for con- Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in verté : Damnation is a remedilefs Efate : The his bofom. damned may with for cafe, andhelp, and mercy, 23. Note, r. Such notice as fpirits have, but shall havenone, is called feeing. 2. The Souls of the wicked 2% Then he faid I pray thee pats to Hell torments. 3. Joyful felicity is called ,Abraham's b fm, to a Jew. Some think therefore, father, that thou would- Nations or joyned in Happinefs or Mifery eft fend him to my father's houfe : hereafter, as rewarded in the relations in which 28. For I have five brethren ; that they did good or evil. he may teftifie unto them, left 21- he cried and laid, Fa they altocome into this place of tor- then Abraham, have mercy on me, ment. and fend Lazarus, that he may dip 27. O fend him to my brethren on Earth to tell them what i fuffes ? and why : that the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented they may not come hither, who are yet recc- verable, and in a }fate of hope, though my in this flame, cafe be defperate. 24. Met. The Parable fpeaketh merapho- Note; Whether thedamned retain any love rically, of Souls, as if they had Tongues; to, and care of their Brethren on Earth, or, which fignifieth no more than, they have a whether-this be fpoken only to explain their torment fùitable to their kind. a. Voluptuous condition here, is uncertain. rich men would fhortly beg even for a very little, and that of thofe whom they here defpi- 29. Abraham faith unto him, fed, if they could help them. 4. By flame is They have Mofes and the prophets ; meant a means of torment. 25. But Abraham faid, Son, re- member that thou in thy life-time receivedtf thy good things , and likewife Lazarus evil things : but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. let them hear them. 29. The Godof Wifdom and Power bath determined of the way and means of con- verting men, which is by his Word and Mi- nifters , and not by Meffengers from the Dead. If they will he Paved, it muff be by Gods appointed Means, and not any o- ther. 3 0 And