Ch. a7. How Chrifl St. go thy way ; thy faith hath made thee whole. ISL. Note ; This oft used word of Chrift, is againft them, that fay, that becaufe it is Chrift that healeth, or jullitieth, it is not Faith: As if the office of Chrift, and of Faith, might not concur hereunto. 2o. And when he was demanded of the pharifees, when the' kingdom of God should come ; he anfwered them, and faid, The kingdom of God cometh not with obferva- tion. 21. Neither shall they fay, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. 20, 21. You know not what the Kingdom of God is : It is not Chrift's appearance in vi- f;blepomp, as earthly Princes reign : It is a Moral Spiritual Kingdom, oppofrte(not to'Mo narchs, but) to the Kingdom of Satan : As Sa- tan reigneth not vifibly by himfelf, but by corrupt Princes and Teacher to do his works, and by his invifcble fuggeftions and his baits ; fo the Kingdom of God is to deftroy Sa- tan's Kingdom, and to Can&ifieand fave men, not by Chrift'svisible pompous reign, but by holy Rulers and Teachers, and by his Word and Spirit, and Promises andBleflings to work onSouls. 22. And he laid unto the difci- pies, The days will come when ye . shall defire to fee one of the days of the Son of man, and ye (hall not fee it, 22. Days of Meting are not afar off, when you will wills for my prefence todeliver you (or, as fome, when you shall with for days, as eafte and quiet, as thefe are now,) or others think, though hefpake to his Difcipies, it is the Pharifees of the Jewilh Nation that he ipake to them of. 23. And they shall fay to you, See here, or fee there : go not af- ter them, nor follow them 24. For as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven, fhineth unto the other part under heaven : fò shall allo the Son of man be inhis day. 28, 24. Believe not them that tell you a Dsliverer or Chrift is id fach or lath a place. Luke. 7vill cone. Ch. I7, For my Kingdom flail not be managed by my personal appearance, but by the Light of my Word and Spirit, which 'hall chine from one part of the World to another, is Light- ning from Heaven ; for, my last comming will be like lightning, fudden, and glorious to all mens fight ;3 25'. But firfl mull he fuffer many things, and be rejeéled of this ge- neration.' a6. And as it was in th8 daysof Noe, fo shall it be alto in the days of the Son of man. ay. They did ear, they drank, they mar- ried wives, they were given in mar- riage, until the day that Noe entred into the arts : and the floud cane and deilroyed them all. 25,26, 27. Ste Matto. 24. Whether the day of Chrift be the day of his (aft De. ftru&son of theJews, or of his reign by the Gofpel, joynedwith the Fall of them and o- ther Enemies, or his last coming, is doubted of by Expofitors. 28. Likewife allo as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they fold, they planted, they builded : 29. But the fame day that Lot went out of So- dom', it rained fire and brimflone from heaven, and deftroyed them all : 3o. Even thus flail it be in the day when the Son of man is re- vealed. 28,29, 3o: Chrift's coming, (whether to deftroy his Enemies, or to judge the World) will be sudden, unexpe&ed, and terrible. 3 t. In that day, he which 'hall be upon the houle-top, and his fluff in the houle, let ,him not come, down to take it away ; and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. 32. Remember Lot's wife. 55, 32. Let all go, and be glad to five your lives: Look not back with grief for your loífes, left you fpeed as Lot's Wife did. 33- Whosoever (hall leek to fave his life, shall lof it : and whofo- ever shall lofe his life, fhaIl pre- ferve it.. 33. Sclf