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Ch. i 8. The danger St, as his eyes unto heaven, but fmote upon his breaft, laying, God be merciful to me a (inner. 13 HisPrayer was in the deep fenfe of his fin, a humble begging mercy of God ; (nor with a pur,pore tq go on in fin, buc with pe- nitence and cánverion, relolving of a new life:) 14. I tell you , this man went down to his houle juftified rather than the other : for every one that exalteth himfelf ¡hall, be abafed ; and he that humbleth himfelf, ¡hall be exalted. 14, God took this for a jotter or better man, for his penitent corfeldion than the Pha- rifee, for all that formal righteoufiaefs which he boafted of : For God will exalt the humble, and abate the proud. (But this fuppofeth the Publican's Repentance to be a true Cbnverfton, and not rneer convi&ion and confelling in fear.) Luke. of Riches. Ch. 18, lackett thou one thing : fell all that thou haft, and diftribute unto the poor, and thou Malt have trea. lure in heaven : and come, follow me. 23. And when he heard this, he was very forrowful : for he was veryrich. 38, 19,20, 2r, 22, 23. See Matth, 19, 20' and Mark 1o. 17. Note, This renunciation of the World is not required by Chrill, to a h1l, dogree of ha., linefs only, but to theobtaining of Eternal Lfe. Note, Multitudes of nominal Chrillians go not fo far as this worldly Jew s in belie- ving a Life Eternal, and in a care to inherit it, and in doing fo much for it, from his youth. 15. And they !Vaught unto him alto infants, that he íhould touch them : but when his difciples faw it, they rebuked them. 16. But Jefus called them unto him, and faid, Suffer little children to come untome, and forbid them,not : for of fuch is the kingdom of God. 17. Verily I fay unto you, Whofoever ¡hall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, ¡hall in no wife enter therein. x5, 16, 17. See onMarsh. 1o. 14. Mattb' 19, 13,14, 15 O. And a certain ruler asked him, laying, Good Mater, what ¡hall I do to inherit eternal life ? 19. And Jefus laid unto him, Why calleft thou me good ? none is good fave one, that zs God. zo. Thou knoweft the commandments , Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not ¡teal, Do not bear falle witnefs, Honour thy father and thy mother. 21. And he fàid, All thefe have I kept from my youth up. 22. Now when Jefus heard theft things, he laid unto him, Yet 24. And when Jefus law that he was very forrowful, he laid, How hardly ¡hall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 25. For it is eafier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, then for a rich man to enter into the king- dom of God. z6. And they that heard it,; faid, Who then can be faved. 24,25, 26. See 21/14112 1g. Nue To enter into the kingdom of God, and be laved, was uiedcrftood by the hearers to be all one. 27. And he laid , The things which are unpoffible with men, are pofiible with God. 27. Note, Poffibility, though with great difficulty, mutt makeus true feekers, and then wemay attain to certainty. 23. Then Peter Paid, Lo, we have left all , and followed thee. 29. And he Paid unto them, Verily I fay unto you, there is no man that hath Ieft houle, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children for the kingdom of God's fake, 3o, Who (hall notreceive manifold more in this prefent time , and in the world to come life everlaíting. 2s . 29, 3o. Yes !hall be no lofers by me. Note, Theblefiingseven of fitffarirg Chri- Pd Las