Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 19. 7hs tenpieces St. 9, Nate r. Where true Faith and Conner- fion cometh, there Salvation cometh. 2. All true Believers are Children of ,Abraham, that is, of the Promise made to Ibraham and his feed. Luke. of Money. Ch. Ig, re: When he came to exercife Judgment over his Subjelts and Servants, he called first thofe that profeffed Chrißienity , to take an account how they hadufèd the bleffing, of the Golpe!. 16. Then came the first, Paying, Lard thy pound bath gained ten pounds. 16. Thy Grace and Gifts have been impro- ved to the profit of many, and to my own increase in Holinef to. For the fon of man is come to feek and to fave that which was loft- to. To this end came I into the World, to redeem, convert, and fave loft finnete. I r. And as they heard thefe things, he added, and fpake a pa- rable, becaufe he was nigh to Je- rufalem, and becaufe they thought that the kingdomof God ihould im- mediattly appear. r r. To take them off such expellations. 12. He faid therefcre, A certain noble man went into a far countrey, to receive for himfelf a kingdom, and to,return. /2. Christ was to go from Earth to Hea- ven, to recceivehis own Kingly glory, and to reign there over Heavenand Earth, and to re- turn to judge menaccording to their works. 13. And he called his ten fer- vants and delivered them ten pounds, and faid unto them Occu- py till I come. 13. He giveth men, that profess to be his 'Servants, his Gifts andMercies, and commands them to ufe them faithfully in his Service, and to do good in his Church, and profit others, expe&inghis return. r4. But his citizens hated him, and fent a mesiàge after him, faying, We will not have this man to reign over us. 14. The Jews to whom he firß offrcd Grace, rejedted him and hisGovernment with (corn. 16. And it came to pat's, that when he was returned, having r, -- teived the kingdom, then he com- manded thofe fervants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he--might know howmuch every than had gained by trading. 17. And he faid unto him, Well, thou good fervant , becaufe thou haft been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten ci- ties. r 7. Thou !halt have a rewardabove others, according to thy fervice, Nate, r. Christ will praife his faithful Ser- vants, and their Works. 2. He reward(th them, becaufe they have been faithful, as the Moral QuaIificafion of the Receivers; but not in CommutativeJuflice, nor in DißributiveGo- verning Juftice according to the Law of inno- cency, or of A f s, but in Distributive Paternal Jußice,according to the LawofGraceand Faith. r8. And the fecond came, lay- ing, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds. 19. And he faid like- wife tohim, Be thou alfo over five cities. 18, 19. Their reward mall be arfacra ble. ao. And another came, faying, Lord , behold , here is thy pound which! have kept laid up in a nap- kin : 2 r. For I feared thee, be- caufe thou art an austere man : thou takeft up that thou layedfì: not down, and reapeft that thou didft not fow. 20, 21. Here is thy own; I have wafted none of it : But thou are fo severe, that I durit not trade with it, left I lhould lofè it. 22. And he faith untohim, Out of thine own mouth, will J judge thee thou wicked fervant. Thou knew- eft that I was an austere man, ta- king up that I laid not down, and reap-