v Ch.zo. Parable ofthe Vineyard. St.Luke. Render to Cefar,&c. Ch.zó, 2o. And they watched him, and fent forth !pies which should feign themfelves juil men , that they might take hold of his words, that fo they might deliver him unto thepower and authority ofthe go- vernour. 29. Blood.thirfty Hypocrites would enfnare him to get fome word for which they might accule him to the Roman Goverzour ; as Tree- fon againft Cofer. Neta, How like in all Ages are the notare andways ofwicked Men ! Thus was Nabotb, ufed by jezebel, &c. 21. And they asked him laying, Mailer, we know that thou fayeit and teacher} rightly , neither ac- cepteft thou the Perron ofarty, but teach& the way of God truly. ez. Is it lawful for us togive tri- but untoCelar, or no ? 23. But he perceived their craftinefs , and faid unto them , Why tempt ye me? 24. Shew me a penny: whole image and fuperfcription bath it ? They anfwered, and laid, Cefar's. 25. And he Paid unto them, Ren.. der therefore unto Celar the things whith be Cefar's, and unto God the things which be God's. 26. And they could not take hold of his words before the people: and they marvelled at his anfwer, and held their peace. 21, 22, 2e, 24,25,26. Note, There is pop. fon in the feeming kindnefs of cruel Hypo- r7, r8. Whoever fins againft Chrift by Crites; they flatter that they may hurt. Note, unbelief, will.perifh inhis Sin : But they that It is lawful to .pat off bloody enfnatera with Strive againft him by Malignityand Oppofition, doubtful Anfwers. will fall under his victoriousJudgement, which will make them the molt miterable. alfo, and entreated him shamefully, and fent him away empty. 12. And again he fent the third ; and they wounded him alfo, and call him out. 13. Then faid the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will fend my beloved Son: it may be they will reverence him when they fee him. 14. But when the husbandmen law him, they reafon- ed among themfelves, faying, This is the heir : come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. 15. So they call him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore (hall the lord of the vine- yard do unto them ? 't 6. He shall come and defiroy thefe husband. men,and Shall give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they Paid, God forbid. 9 to,rt,t2,23,11,.15, 16. The Vine- yard is the Land of Iliad; ; the Husbandmen are the Ifraelites ; The Owner is God ; the Meffengers are the Prophets; the Son is Chrift, 19"c, See, Mart6: a t. Try. And he beheld them , and laid, What is this then that is writ- ten, The Slone which the builders reieéled, the fame is become the head of the corner? r8. Whofo- ever Shall fall upon that stone, Shall be broken : but on whomfoever it shall fall it will grind him to pow- der. 19. And the chief prieils and the fcribes the fame hour fought to lay hands on him ; and they fear- ed the people : for they perceived that he had fpokenthis parable againil them. 19. Note, Thatwhich is laid againft their fin, enrages the impenitent, be it neverfo true andneedful to their conviction. 27. Then came to him certain of the Sadducees (which deny that there is any refurreaion) and they asked him, 28 Saying, Mailer, Mofes wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his bro- ther Should take his wife and raife up feed unto his brother. 29. There were therefore feven brethren : and the firs} took a wife, and died with-