Ch. z2. Peter's denial. St. Luke. Chrifl examined. Ch. 22, certainmaid beheld him as he fat by 67. Saying, Art thou the Chrift the fire, and earneftly Joked upon tell u$í And he faid unto them, If I him, and faid, This manwas alto tell yon,youwill not believe.68.And vdith him. if I alfo askyou, you will not an- s4, 55, 56. N When Tryal muft wine; In- fwer me, nor letme go. ftruments will not be wanting . 66, 6y, 6$, It's in vain todafcourfewith you i 57. And he denied him, Paying, for you are refolved what to do withme, and Woman, I knowhim not. trait to force, andnot toTruth. 57. N. Had henot beenconfciousoffniiting 69. Hereafter fhall the Son of with the Sword, he had not been in fo much man Pic on the right hand of the danger of fear. ower of God. 513.And after a littlewhile another p 69. I shall fhortly be advancedinHeaven as fa'w him, andPaid, Thouart alfoof Man, to be Lordof alt. them.And Peter Paid, Man,I am not. 7o. Then laid they all, Art thou 58. N. It was a Woman,herecalled Man,only then the Sonof God ? And he faid as one ofMankind, not to diftinguüh the sex, unto them,Ye fay that I am. 71.And 59 And about the fpace of one they faid,What needwe anyfurthd hour after; another confidently affir- witnefs ? for we our Pelves have med,faying,Of a truth this fellow al- heardofhis own mouth. fo was withhim;for he is aGalilean. yo, 7 t. N. ThoughCh anfwerednot so. N. Tobelong to Chrift,and follow him, other Accufations,. he would not, to face his iscrime enough,when Enemies are Judges. life, by Silence feem to fear to own hisNature; 6o. AndPeter faid, Man,I know Dignity and Office; elft he that laid our Salva. not what thou fayefl:. And itnmedi- nonupon our open confeflrng him in the faceof atelywhile he yet fpake, tale cock greareft danger, should have required more of us, than he would do himfclf. Paul faith, With crew. 61. And theLord turned,and the mouth confefon i, made unto Safvasion, looked upon Peter; and Peter re- and givethTimothy Chrift's Example, who lu. membred the word oftheLord,how fore Pontius Pilate róisnefed a good eenf¡/ on ,m. 6. I3 he had faid unto him,Before the cock Rom. Yo. 9, xó, 1 crow, thou fhalt - deny me thrice. 62,. AndPeter went out, andwept C H A P. XXIII. bitterly. 6e, 61, 62. N. Chrift's own danger did not I, ANd the whole multitude of makehim forget a finning Difciple. them arofe,and led him unto 63. And the men that held Jefus, Pilate. 2. And they began toaccule mocked him,and fmotehim. 64.And him, faying, We found this fellow when theyhad blindfolded him,they perverting the nation, and forbid- ftroke him on the face, and asked ding to give tribute toCefar,faying, "him, faying, Prophefie, who is it that hehimfelf is Chrift a king. that fmote thee ? 65. And many o- y. N. The laftcIaufe,whichwastrue,gave Cherthings blafphemoufly fpake they a colour to the former which was falle. They thought thatPilatecouldnor belive that hecould againft him. 63, 64, 6s. N. What is It that the ignorant claim Kingdom, this day the Devil's défignuam Rabble will not fay and do ágainft the béff of make Princesje'alous that Chrift's Kingdom is men, when men called Sated and Great en againft theirs, when they have all their true courage them ? power from him. No way feemerh fo effettual 66. And aflbon as it was day the to the Diabolifls cogeedownChrift's Kingdoms elders of the people, and the Chief as toraifejealotsue andenmity inKingsa ainfiu priefts,and thefcribes came together, 3. AndPilate asked him, laying, and led him into their council, Art thou the King of the jell