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Ch. t3: Chrift acctfd. St. Luke. He is lent to Herod. Ch. 23: And he anfwered him andfaid ,Thou they were far enougb above a defpifed unarmed fa eft mifoner. Y I2. And the fame day Pilate and 3. I am fo ; I will not deny my Officeand Dignity, (But my Kingdom is not ofthisWorld.) Herodwere made friends together, 4. Then faid Pilate to the chief for before they were at enmity ber priefts and to the people, I find no tween themfelves. fault in this man. 12. N They cari agree inenmity and perfe- 4 Though he call himfelfa King he r4ifeth cation of the juft, who cannot agree about no War or Sedition againft Cafaf ; and fo the theirworldly ittteref}. Law will nor reach him. 13. And Pilate whenhe had cal- g. And they were the.more fierce, led together the chief priefts,and the Paying, He ftirreth up the people, ,rulers,and thepeople, 1 4.Said unto teaching' throughout all Jewry, be- them,Ye have brought this man un- ginning fromGalilee to this place. tome,as onethat perverteth thepeo- s. His Preaching is feditious, difaftè&ing the pie : and behold, I having exam' - people rothe Government, and to the pub:ick nett himbefore you, have found no Peate fault in This man touching thofie 6. When Pilate heard ofGalilee, he asked whether the man were a things whereof ye accule him ; Galilean. 7. And affoon as he knew 15. No, nor yet Herod : for I Pent thathe belonged unto Herod's jurif- you To him, and lo,nothingworthy diction, he lent him to Herod, who ofdeath is done unto him. 16. I himfelf was alto at Jerufalem at will therefore chaftife him and re- that time, 8. And whenHerod faw lealehim.1 7.For ofneceflìty he muff Jefus, he was exceeding glad for releafe one unto themat the feast. he was desirous to feehim ofalong 13, I4, 15, 16, 17. HisaceufationofSedition g is not proved to me, nor to Herod : I wal feafon, becaufe he had heard many therefore fcourge him, and fo releafe him. things of him; and he hoped to have 18, And they cried out all at Peen tome miracle done by him. once, faying, Away with this man, 6, 7, 8. N When the King of Glory, iq the and releafeunto us Barabbas form ofa fervánt, was thus toll.d in triumph 18. N. A Murderer, or the molt deboift, and (corm fromRuder 'toRuler, it was to thew seems better than Chriftt himfelf, to malignant What we deferved, and what we mut expel,}. Hypocrites. 9. Then'he queftionedwith him r Who for. a certain fedition in many words; but he arifwered 9 him nothing. N. made in thecity and for murder, 9 . Ashe was net over foiK was Taft into rilon . 20. Pilate p itóus to ree] their Actuations; fohewould not accule him_ therefore willing to release Jefus, felfnor give them matter againft himOut ofhis fake again to them. 2I..But they own mouth : He would not have taken an en cried, fayin, Crucifiehim, crucifie officio Oath, to anfwer'whatever Queftion they shouldask him, though theytold him not what, him. 22. And he faid unto them 1 o.Andthe chiefpriefts and fcribes the third time, Why,.what evil hath flood and vehemently accusedhim hedone ? I have found no caufe of - to. N. Confecrated men are Satan's Agents death in him, Ì will therefore cha- with the King against Chrift. stile him, and let bun go. 1 1. And Herod with his men of 19, no, 21. 2 a. N. The malignant Jews are worfe than the Ht in perfecnt'ìng rage. war let him at nought, and mocked him,and arayed him ina gorgeous 23 And they were inítant with robe, and lenthimagain to Pilate. loud volces,requiring that he might a 1. N TheKing and :his SouidiersThought be. crucified: and thevoicesof their; - N 3 ar4