Ch. 2, 3: Chrifl delivered St. L and of the chief priefts prevailed. 24. And Pilate gave fentence that it fhould be as they required. 23, 24. N. Wicked met dare deny God's importunity and mercy, but cannot deny tem- ptations fromtitcns importunity andworldiy in- tereft, 5.And hereleafed unto them,him that for fedition and murder was cafl into prifon,whom theyhad defi- red ; but he delivered Jefus to their will. 2s. N. T. It is the greatenmeans ofbadmens ruine, to let themhave theirwills, 2. God in fl, fh was not innocent enough in the eyes of wicked men, to fcape condemnation. 26. And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon a Cyrenian, coming out of the coun- trey, and on him they laid the crofs; that he might beat it after Jefus. 27. And therefollowed him a great company ofpeople, and of women, which alfo bewailed and lamented him. 28. But Jefus turning unto them, Paid, Daughters of Jerufalem, weep not for me, but weep for your felves,and for your children. 29.For behold, the days are coming, in the which they (hall fay, Bleffed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare,and the paps which never gave uck. a6,27,2ß 9.itisncttry cafe that you have caufe to lament, but your own and your Chil- drers, for the dreadful dcftte.ólion that is coming. 30. Then flail they begin to fay tb the mounrains,Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. 31. For if they do thefèthings in a green tree,what thall be done in the dry ? 3o, 3r. Drcaditd will be the approaching V i ngcence : Fox ifthey thus sic ire for trygood we rks, what fhall they endure, who by their haincus fin areas wooddried for the fire t 32. And there were an two o- ther maid: dloíirsled with him to be pit to death. 33. And when they were ç()plc to the place which is cal- uke: to be crucified Ch. 23. led Calvary,there they crucifiedhim, and themalefadrlours ; one on the right hand,and the other on the left: 32, 33. Thus, for us, the Son of God was numbedwith Malefa&ors, bythe moftignomi. pious death. 34. Then Paid Jefus,Father, for- give them ; for they knownot what they do. And theyparted his rai- ment, and cart lots. 34.Zr.Was this an abfolutePrayer ofChrift? If fo, were they not all forgiven, feeing he was always heard? And doth not he himfelf forerel their dreadfulpunifhment? .9nf. It is as ifhe had (aid CI am dying to purchafe pardon offin to allthat repent apd believe; I come not to defiroy and condemn, bin to fave ; it is therefore my part todelire their Repentance and Salvation e Take them not as unpardona- ble, for they do this in ignoranceandunbelief; tender them forgivenefs, and give them yet time of Repentance, and draw thine Elea to effeaual Faith, and condemn none flit killing me, that do not after any Refurreetion ()bill- rarely reje&thy offeredmercy tothe laft ] This altowas the fenfe of Stephen's, Lay not this fin to their charge. But final unbeliefand rejecting grace, is theunpardonable fin, which retaineth all the raft 35 And the people flood behold- ing and the rulers alto with them derided him Paying, He faved o- thers ; let , fave himfelf, if he be Chrift the chafen of God. 3s. O unthankfulmen, to turn fo many Mi- racles of Love and Mercy into cruel infulting foam ! Reader, btho!d in thefe.Inflames the Nature of fain Men, and be humbled, and fear thy felf. 36. And the fouldiers allo mock- ed him,céming tohim,and offering him vinegar, 37.And faying,Ifthou be the kingof the Jews,fave thy felf, 36,37. N. He came tofave us,and not himfelf, till his Refi,i &ion: How glad would his Fne- mies Portly be to be faved by him? And hew will their tune be charged ! 38.And a fuperfcription alto was written overhim in letters of Greek, and Latine, and Hebrew, 7HIS IS THEKING OF THE JEWS. 38. N, As the mafotr of his death, and (corn bothof him, and all the Jewith Nation. 3c. And one of the malefad`lours which