Ch. 2.3. Chril crucified St. Luke. between two7hievec.Ch.13< which were hanged, railed on him, man's being inParadife: But irisbyfalfification, contrary tothe pointingofall Greek<.opies;and Paying, If thou be Çhrift, fave thy one Copy, faith Bez.a, bath tThat this day.) Pelf andus. 44 And it was about the fìx :h 39. N. The Croft of Chrif} was the great hour and there was darknefs ova- (caudal to all ; they thought that he could not all the earth, until the ninth hour. be the Chrift,that didnot fave himfelf; becaufe Overall the Land, from twelvea CLr. they knew not the ufe of his Sacrificefir Marl's 44 Redemption. But it Thews the power of fin, till three,there was an unufualdegree ofdark_ 'when even a Malefa&or crucified (hall go out nefs, whether by an Eclipfe, or extraordinary of the World in filch reproach. Clouds, is uncertain ; but it was not fuct darks. 4o. But the other anfwering, re- nefs as is in the night. And the fun was darkned, baked him, Paying, Doft not thou 45 'ear God, Icing thou art in the fame condemnation ? 41. And we indeed juftly ; for we receive the due re- ward .of, our deeds : but this man math done nothing amifs. 40, 41. Wilt thou die in fin ? Are not we juftlÿ full Bing for it, when he unjultly full, er_ éch, being innocent ? 42. And he faidunto Jefus,Lord, remember me when thou comet in- to thy kindom. 42. Lord, I believe that thsu art the true bteff+ah, and the promilèdKing; remember ene a Sinner with pardoning mercy and accept- ance, when thou reiÿneft in thy glory. 43 And Jeffs Paid unto him,Ve- vily I fay unto thee, To day (halt thou be with me in paradife. 43 Trutt my Promife ; tutu !halt thisvery ;lay be with me in acelefial Paradife ofj ^y. N. e. This Example theweth us what React- on freely Both in calling one, while another is raft by. z.Chrdt would give thisprefent proof of the virtue ofhis Sacrificetocall'and,jußthe Siunet's. 3. True Converfion is never too late, to the obtaining of Mercy and Salvation, True faith andRepentance, how latefoe and the veil of the temple was rent in the mids. 45. Some take theveil to he a banging, but it'sliker it was a will: For the Temple was di.: vided into three parts ; a. The outer Court where the Gentilesmight come. 2. The San ¿taary, where the Jews came. 3. The in Sanâuary, or Hoheit, where only the High Prielt came once a year. If itwastheWall that enclofed the Holieft, than the rending lignified the accef we have now to God by Chrift ; if it was the fecond'wall, it figniiiecd the removal of the Mofaical Separation ofJews and Gentiles. 46. And when Jefus had cried with a loud' voice, he faid, Father, into thy hands I commend my fpi- rit : and having. laid thus, he gave up the ghoft. 46: N. The certainGlory thatChrift expect, ed, was by the way of Trufting his Soul into his Father's hands: And what other way have we to die in hope and peace, but to commit our Souls with Truft to oar Father and our Re- deemer, and conjoyn the dyingwords ofChril_ and Stephen? ¢7. Now when the centurion law what was done, he glorified God, Paying, Certainly this was a 4 te ut - righteous man. will have its fruits. This man was not See Math. 27.5.1. ThoughMathew re- his without good works. a. He his puni'd cite his words thus, .Verily this was the Son of fin. z. He confef'dtlte juttñefs ofIr punifh- Coda Lake's words are not y contrary, but we soenr 3. He confeffedChrift's Kingdom. 4. He jufified Chrift's Innocency. 5 He reproved ma conclude that the Centurion crake both, the Reviler, and taught him to repent. 4. He 4 8. And all the people that came prayed even toa crucified dying Cluritt, -7. He together to that fight, beholding the prayed not for prefent deliverance, but for a things which were done,fmote their place inOita'sKingdom. 5. The departedSouls of thefaithful gopre- breaftsand returned , 49.And all his tent: to paradife. acquaintance, and the women that 6. This Paradife is where chriftwsilbe with followed, him from Galilee, Rood vs. "Some Hereticks, by grofs perverfion, joyn afar Rfl' beholding there things. {This day) with rr Jay) as if it had been only 43,49. N.Souldiers and commonpeople were the dayofChrift's kealting this, andnot ofthe not fo hardened as the Priejts andRuler. N 4 59, Aneli.