Ch. 2,3ì Chrf'sburial. St. Luke: His Refrrection: Ch. 24, 50. Andbehold, there was aman away frpm the fepulchre.3.And they named Jofeph a còunfellor, andhe entred in, and found not the body :pas a good man, and a juft : of theLord Jefus. 4. And it came so. One ofthe Council that governed. topals, as they weremuch perplex- 5 t. (The fame had notconfented ed thereabout,behold twomen ftood to the counfel and deed of thern) he by them in fhining garments. 5.And Was of Arimathea,a city ofthe Jews as they were afraid, and bowed (who álfo himfelf waited for the down their faces to the earth, they kingdom of God). Paid unto them, Why Peek ye the 5f, Who having lockt for thécomingof the living among the dead ? Meiiiah, believed that Chrift was he. 2, 3, 4. s. See thereconciliation ofthe feem= 5 2. This man went untoPilate, ing differences of the Evaogelifts herein, on and begged the bodyofJefus. Math. 28. and Mark, r6. andJohn ao. 52. N. t. He that concealed his Faithbefore, 6. He is nor here, but is rifen (hewed his Love to Chrift when he was dead. remember how he ipake unto you e. TheBody ofthe Son ofGod was 6e the di- fpoal and power of a Heathen, even his who when he was yet inGalilee, 7. Say- was Lordofall the World. ing, The Son of manmuff be 53. And he took it down, and vered into the hands of finful men, wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a and be crucified, and the third day fepulchre that was 'heaven in ftone, rife again. whereinnever man beforewas laid. 6,7. N. Luke faith more ofthis Sermonof' S 3. Preparedfo/ himfelf. the Angels to theWomen, than the other E- 54And thátday was the preparar vangeliltsdid, tion,andthe fabbath drewon.5 S.And $ And they remembred his the women alto which came with words, q. And returned from the him from Galilee followed after fepulchre, and told all thefe things and beheld the feppúlchre, and how, unto the eleven, and to all thereft his body was laid. 56. And they re- t o. It was Mary Magdalene, and turned, and prepared fpices and Joanna, and Mary the mother of ointments ; and refted the fabbath- James, and other women that were day,accordingto the commandment. with them, which told thefe things s a, ss,'t6. Accordirg to Mofe's Law, Which unto the apoflles. i i. And their required.CeremonialPelt, it being not then a- words feetned to them as idle tales, Gtogated. and they believed them not. 8, n, t e, II. N. Here is much path by which the other Evangelittshave : For noone ofthem C El A P. XXIV. pretended to write all that was done. r2.Then arofe Peter, and ranun- 7.NOw upon the firft day of the to the fepulchre,and (toòpi gdown weeç,very early inthe morn- hebeheld the linen clothes laidby ing, they came unto the fepulchre, themfelves,and departed, wondring bringing the fpices which they had in himfelf at that which was come prepared, and' certain others with to pats. them. t ?. See this more fully in John 2o. r. Obj DidnotNicedemus and yofephwrap his :3. And behold, two of them tiody in Spices at his Burial ..lnf. They laid it went that fame day to a village in halle in the dry Aloes and Myrrh, deferring CálledmmatlS which was from the full Firbala:ing ofit, with the added Oint- nnefats, tillafter the Sabbath. Jerufalem about threefcore furlongs. a.Ar.,d theyfound the ftone rolled t 4. And they talked together ofall thefe