V Ch. 24: aril? appeareth St. Luke: to his Difciples. , Ch. 24: thefe things which had happened. which Paid that he was alive.24.And 15. And it came to paf. that while certain of them which were with they communed together, and rea- us;went to the fepulchre, and found föned, Jefus himfelf drew near, and it even fo as the women had laid ; . went withthem. but him they taw not. 13, 14, 15. Chrift came to them but as un- 22, 23, 23.. And yet we know net what to known: think,but are under meer aftonithment,and fur. 16. But their eyes were holden, then exile&ation; for certain Women, &c. that they fhould not know him. 25. Then he laid unto them, O t6. It's like thecaufe' was partly in them, fools, andlflow of heart to believe' and partly in the change ofthe countenance of all that the prophets have fpo tep ! Chrilt. as. Were not you very ignorant Men, and 17. And he laid unto them,What ofdull hearts, you would not be fo unacquaint. manner ofcommunications arethefe ed with, and backward to believe, that which that ye have one to another, as ye all the Prophets did f.retel ? walk, and are fad? 26. Ought not Chrift to have 17. N.He was not ignorant oftheir aircoúrfe, fuffered thefe things, and to enter but askt them, that he mightinfiru& them. into his glory ? 18. And the one of them, whole 6. Have they not all foretold that Chrift name was g Cleo has,anfwerin , Paid muff thus fuller, and then enter into the hea- p venly glory, where is his Throne, where he is unto him, Art thou only a ftranger to reign? in Jerufalem, and haft not known 27. And beginningat Mofes,and the things which are come to pats all the prophets, he expounded un- there in thefe days ? 19. And he to them in all the fcriptures, the faid unto them, What things ? And things concerning himfelf. they Paid unto him, Concerning Je- s7. N. Though it bath not pleafed God to fus of Nazareth, which wasa pro- give us down this expofirory Sermon of Chrif, yet his Spirit, by his Apoftles, bath given us phet mighty in deed and word' be- enough for our ufe. fore God, and all the people : 18, 19. In Miracles, and Prop efie, and Do&rine. 20. And how the chief priefts and our rulers delivered him to be con- demned to death, andhave crucified him. 2t. But we trufted that it had been he which fhould have re- deemed Ifrael and betide all this, to day iS the third day fince thefe things were done. 2o, at. They fill believed that he was a Prophet : For many Prophets were murdered: But they Teemed to doubt, yea alined to give µp their beliefthat he was the Meffiah. 22. Yea, and certain women al- foofour company madeusftonifh- 28. And they drew nigh unto the village,whither they went : and he made as though he would have gone further. 28. N. Not by any falfe words ,butby hiscar- riage, concealing his purpofe to flay with them. 29.But they conftrained him,fay- ing,Abide with us?for it is towards evening,and the day is far fpent.And he went in to tarry with them. 29: N. Impotewnity is the means to prevail forChrif's prefence,evenwhen he purpofethto fay. 30. And it came to pals as he fat ät meat with them, he took bread, and bleffed it, andbrake, and have ed, which were early at the fepul- to them. 3e, N. Net the Sacrament, but as the Menu. çhre : 23. And when they found not ofthe Family was wont to do y lave the peca. his body, they came, Paying, that liar holinefs ofhis manner ofdoing it. they hadalfo feeria vifion ofangels, 31, And their eyes were opened, and