Ch. 24. Chr f appeareth St. Luke. to his Difciples; Ch. 3,4: and they knewhim ; and hevanith- arife in your hearts ? 39. Behold ed out of their fight. my hands and my feet, that it is I 31. It's like partly by God's change on my felf : handle me, and fee, for them, and partly by Chrift's more difcernable eifcovery they knew him. a É irit bath not fleth and bones, as N Though Chriftrofe in the fame Body,and Ye fee me have. 4o. And when he yeas not yet fully glorified, it was greatly had thus fpoken he thewed themhis changed, fo that he could appear and danifh hands and-his feet. `when and where hé pleated, and be known oí 3g. 59, 40. Troubling thoughtsare ready to uliknown to beholders. furprize but ft tu ignorant pero C ,ri to ppree a 32.And they faid one to another them, appealedto their tents : Btor man is apt Did not our heart burn within us, tobelieve what he feeth andfeeleth.but is hard- while he talkedwithus by the way, brought to believe any thing above fenfe, and while he opened tousthe fcrip. N, Sprits And while they et believed lures ? 41. Y yet N. They told each other how they felt not for joy,and wondred,he faid un- their hearts affeaedwhilehe preached tòrhya. to them, Have ye here any meat ? 33 And they rote up the fame 41 N. TherewasCome beliefcalled Hope,or elfe they could not have had joy : But it's hard hour, and returned to Jerufálem,and filly to believe great things which we deliie, found the eleven gathered together, through the power of fear, left it Ihould not and 'them that were with them, prove true. 34. Saying, TheLord is rifen in- 4a. And they gave hima piece deed and bathappeared to Simon of a broiled fith, and of an hony- 3 3.34. As loonas they came in among them, comb. 43. Andhe took it, and did the eleven firft told thefe two, that theLord eat beforethem. was rifn, &c. 42,43. N. They dieted skilfully: Broiling 35.And they toldwhatthingswere and Honey corretì both the pituitousfügidity, done in the Way, and how he was a"d the corruptibility offim. } z. .zg proved Chrift to be nomeet $pi. known of them inbreakingofbread . rit. When Angelsdid eat, they firf took Bó- 3 s Then the twoallo told the eleven, and dies, or elfe feemed to do what they did not the company, what they had lien and heard Therefore glorifiedBodies eat not,becaufe they in the way, dn. arefpiritual, though not meer Spirits, and have 36. And as they thus fpake,Je us their fuftenancewithout eating. himfelf flood in the midit `ofthem; 44. Andhe faid untothem,Thefe and faith unto them, Peace be unto are the words which I fpake unto. you. . you,while I wasyet with you, that 36. N. We neednot feign thathe opened the all- things muft be fulfilled which door, when he Could appear and difappear were written in the law of Mofes, when and where he would : Hedid notlie hid: and in theprophets,and in the pfalms lien in Comecorner, when they Caw him Co fel- concerning me. (km in fortydays, but difappea-eá N z. Prate Is the. voice ofa rifen Saviour, who purchafd 44 N. This Teftimonyof Chrift confirmeth it fo dearly, and giveth it as the great Peace- the LawofMotes, the Prophets and thePfalms, maker. to be the true Word ofGod. 37. But they were terrified and 45: Then opened he their under, affrighted, and fuppofed that they ftanding,that they might ifnçlerftand had teen a fpìrix. the fcriptures. a7. ifhe had opened the door, and come in 4s. N. This was a greater effe& ofDivine as other men, it's like theywould not have ta- Power, (to openmens underftandings,) than to kenhin for a Spirit. appear without opening thedoor: The under- 38. And he faidunto them, Why ftanding ofman is Rutz up againft the under. Y ftanding ofthings fpiritual, till Chrift open it. areye troubled,8c why do thoughts o prey for this opening.. 46. And