Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. r: .yohn beareth witnefa St. John: of Chr'if. Ch. r; the Scripture and School Divines to afcribe by t r. He came in flefh to his people the y,trf; fgn1e eminencyofattribution, LIFE and POW - and they not believing him received him net. R ro the Father, . LIGHT and WISDOM to 12..But asmany as receivedhim, Cho Son, and LOVE, JOY and PERFëÇTIONS to them gave hepower to become to the Holy Ghoft ; yet fo that the fame alto Rte attributed to each perfon in Common : And the foils of God, evert to them that to the WORD is (aid here to have Life as one believe On his name ; withthe Father, and yet eminently to be this t z.But to as manyas tookhim by unfeigned LIFE, by the way of Iatelleüive LIGHTartd Content for their Lord and Saviour, even tb }!Summation. them that believing him to be the on ofGod, s. And the lightfhineth in dark- and true Meli'tah,did place all their truft inhim 'nets, and the darknefs fomprehen- for reconciliation with God, and forSalvation; to all theft hegave Right to the State and Dig- ded it Mt. nity of Adoption which he purchafed, even to 5, And this LIGHT iltinethcommunicative- be the Sons -Of Godas united to him, and Heirs ly unto this darkned Worlds which receiving pfthè heavenly Glory. It but according tothe modeand difpofition of 13. Which were born not of the receivers, through their wilful refuitance, peceiveth the Illumination and Teaching fo blood, nor of the will of the Beth, defectively, as that molt (in yudaa and elfe- nor ofthe will ofgran #but ofGod. Where) remain in darknefs fill!, 13. Who (as Children have a like nature 6. There was a man lent from communicated from the Parents, fo) have a na- God, whole namewas John. 7.The ture Holy andDivine, by fpiritual Life, Light, fame came for a witnefs ro bear a L`v` tßel'ned co do illofGod, and tp deftre things Holy and Heavenly : which Na- witnefs of the light, that all men turé is not ptoduc'd of meer natural generation, through himmight believe. 8. He nor offlethly appetite and fences, nor ofany Was not that light, but was fenteer humane Documents or Laws, but is the n- to effe& ofGòd's Grace by his fanáifyingSpirit.' bear witnefs ofthat light. 14, And the Word was made 6, y,$. God feat yohn Bapuft before us, as flefh anddwelt among us (and w ,liar, to Preach Repentance and Faith in the Meffiah, as ready at appear, and as a witnefs beheld his glory, the glory as of the fromGod to prepare and call the yews to re- only begotten of the Father) full (give him that was the true LIGHT of the of grace and truth. World (which himfèlf was nor,) 14. And theWordthat made the World, al. 9. That was the true light,which fumed humane nature in which he dwelt, asa lighteth every man that coeth in- better Tabernacle than that of Shadows s and to the world. # we law his Glory appearing in this Tabernacle 9. He is the true LIGHT, who giveth all in his Heavenly doctrine, Life,. Miracles and the worhlithat Light which they do enjoy : As onlybegotten of theFath'er, Glorious in thetale the Lord and Spring'of Nature, he giveth alt nets of Grace and Truth, which the Shadow then their IntellectualNaturalLight: And as y the ?S:priever and Reftorer of blinded Intel_ Tabernacle arid Ceremonies did but prefigure. he giveth all men that meafure ofmoral I 5. John bare witnefs ofhim,and Arid rçflpred Light and Revelation which they have, t o, He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. t o. He was in the World (in a more excel lent manner than the Soul is in theBody,) for 'the world was made by him, and therefore fl'aintained by him; and heat 1aß appeard to the world incarnate : and yet the world knew him not in either ofhis appearances. I r, He came unto his own, and his own received him not, cried, faying,This was he ofwhom I fpalçe, He that cometh after me, is preferred before me; for he was before me z 5. yohn pointed to him Paying, Th:s is he ; even the King of Ifrael : Though I am before huai intimein my Miniftry, he is before meip Dignity, andwas before me in time'alfo. 16. And of his fulnefs have all wè received, and grace for grace. 16. Andas he is full ofWifdom and Loves ofGrace,and fpiritualLife,he as our Head com- Ittunj.careth fo much as is meet for us, and we xecgive