Ch. t. oAn's witnej St John. ofChr'ifd . Ch. tr receivé greater meafures than were given vn_ 2 3. 1 amhethat lraids prophefiedofIn thefe der the Law ; èven meafures anfwer able to his word, ifaiah go. g, nevi, appearance and Covenant. 24. And they which were fent , 1. For.the law vitas given by were of the Pharifees. 25 And Mofes, but grace and truth came they asked him, and faid unto him; by Jefus Chrift. Why baptizeft thou then; if thoube t7. For though Moferdelivered legal Pre- not that Chrift, nor Elias, neither cepts, Types and Ceremonies, it is by Jefus that prophet ? 26. John anfwered Chrift that we haveGraceboth for holireis and p J pardon, and by him are the Real fubftances them, aying, I baptize with wa which thofe fhadows tipified. The meafureof ter but there ftandeth one among Grace that che Faithful had under the LaW,was YOU, ye know not ; 27. H through him, the promifed Meilialí, and the r fuller meafureunder the Gofpel, is by his ful- It iS who coming after me is prefer- ler accefs and communcation to us,as the Image red before me, whole. ;hoe's Iatehte on the Wax anfwereth that on the Signet. Iam not worthy to unloofe. 18. Noman hats feen God at a- 24, e7c. ThePharifees profeffed to reverence ny time ; the onely begotten Son, Prophets,and thereforewere inquífidve toknow which is inthe bofomof the Father, whether elmwas a Prophet or what he was, hehats declared him. who pre med to Baptize : But he told them, that it Was his O r8rHow little fhould we haveknows' ofGod by baptizing with Water, Whom no man ever raw, if his Son that is in was among them unknown, will Baptize the bofom of the Father had not declared him with the Holy Gholt,to whom he was unworthy ind his will to man. to do theoffice ofthe loweft Servant. N. t knownot whetherthefe Wordswere the 28. Thefe things were done in wordsof john the ieapriß, or the Apofles. g 19.And this is-the record of John, Bethabara, beyond Jordan, where When the Jews fent priefts and Le- John was baptizing. 29. The next Vites from Jerufalem, to ask him, day John feeth, Jefus corning unto Who art thou ? 20 And he confef- him, and faith, Behold the Lamb fed, and denied not but confefled of God, which. taketh away the fn I am not the Chrift. 2t. And they of the world. asked him, What then? Art thou as 29 The next .dayafter the Pharifees que{dons, ohn feeing tilt, gave him perks'. Elias ? And he faith I am not. Art pally this Te(timony :Behold this man is at. thou that prophet ? And heanfwer- pointed to be Sacrificed to God, as the Lambs ed, No, were under the Law, to make expiation for t9. ohn conftantly affirmed that he the fins of the world, that all that betìeve on y was him may bepardoned. not Chrift nor Elias perfonally, nor the Prophet 3 o.This is heof whom I faid,Af- mentioned, Dcut. i8 r 91o. Doth not Chrift fay, that john was Slim t Asfw. Not the per- ter mecometh a man, which is pre- fon ofoldElias, but the petiots prophefiedun- ferred before me : for hewas before der that name. me I. And I knew him not: 22. Then faid they unto him, but that he fhould be mademani- Who art thou ? that we may give ;eft to Ifraei, therefore am I come an anfwer to them that fent ùs : ba zi ttn with water. what fayeft thouof thy fell? P a I. lknew that the Mega!, was corre 22. Tell us than what thou art, that wemay but Iknrwnot that this was he, till God made give an account why thou undertakeíf to ?id- it known to me, and I faw the Holy Ghofttome phefie and Baptize. on him arierward t But becaufe he is come, I 23. He faid, I am the voice of baptize tram to prepare them to receivehim, one crying in the wildernefs, Make 33. And Johnbare record, fay- ftraight the way of the Lord,as laid ing, I . faw the Spirit defcending the prophet Efaias: fromheaven, like a dove, and it a- bode