Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. r. Philip called, St. Job bode sipohhim. 3 3. And I knew him not : but he that fent me to bap- ti$e with water, the fame faid unto me, Upon whom thou (halt fee the Spirit defcending and remaining do him, the fame is he which bapti zeth with the holy Ghoft. 34. And I law, and bare record that this is the Son of God. .32. N. John's Teftimony was both by Reve- lation and Vifion of the defcent of the Spirit its ïonte vitble appearance. And whether yam only heard the voice fi dni Heaven, mentioned Mar. 3. 17. is uncertain. 3 5. Again the next day after,John ftood, and two of his difciples : 36. And looking upon Jefus as he walked, he faith, Behold the Lamb of God. 37. And the two difciples heard him fpeak, and they follow- ed Jefus. 37. Not followed himyet as his Difciples, hut as enquirers after him, in order ro a clofer following him, 38. Then Jefus turned, and faw them following,and faith unto them, What feek ye ? They faid unto him, Rabbi, (which is to fay, being in- terpreted, Matter) where dwelleft thou ? 39.He faith unto them,Come And fee.They came and faw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth t hour: 4o. One of the two which heardJohn followed him, was Andrew,Simon Peter's brother. ú 41. He firft findeth his own bro- therSimon, and faith unto him,`Ve have found the Meffias, which is, b being interpreted,the Chrift.4a.And ch he brought him to Jefus. And when Jefus beheld him, he Paid, Thou art G Simon the fon of Jana : thou !halt Y be called Cephas, which is by in. terpretation, a ¡tone. - h 38. Note, By all this it appeareth, that whets Peter and.Andrew were after called; and fed, ti 4:ply left Oland followed OA it was not t h.Natbanael cr'metb to Chrift.Cb. r without Tome previous notice ofhim andprepa ration thereto. 4.3. The day following, Jefus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and faith unto him, followme. 44. NowPhilip was of Bethfaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45.Philip findeth Nathanael, and faith unto him, we have found him of whom Mofes in the law,and the prophets didwrite, Jefusof Na- zareth, the fon ofJofeph. 43. The longexpeftedMefflas is now come, andwe have found him; he is Jefus of Naz4 rah, &c. 46.And Nathanael: laid unto him,' Can there any good thing come out ofNazareth ? Philip faith untohim, Come and fee. 46. Do the Prophets tell us that the Meah fhall come out ofNazareeh? Galilee produceth not Prophets. èhilip faith, come and fee hirti, and then judge. 47. Jefus fawNathanael coming to him, and faith ofhim, Behold an Ifraelite indeed,inwhom is no guile: 47. A lincere true hearted min. . Were any unbelievers fuch ? .Anfm. He was nct an unbeliever,thoogh yet he knew notChrift: For he had that Belief which men were ravedby, before Clirift's coming. 48. Nathanael faith unto him, Whence knoweft thou me ? Jefus nfwered and Paid unto him, Before hat Philip called thee when thou waft under the fig-tree, I faw thee. 9. Nathanael anfwered and faith, nto him,Rabbi,thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Ifrael. 48; Note, He judged that-none but God; or y Gods could know what men Paid and did at fucha diftance. 2. It was well for Nathanael, at he came to feeChriyl; experience convip- ed,him: Andyet no doubt but God's fpecial race didit : For the Pharifees faw more, atul et believed not. 5o. Jefus anfwered and faid unto im, Becaufe I Paid unto thee,I faw thee under the fig-tree, believcft iou ? thou Malt fee greater things n thefe3 sr). Bótl!